My pulse runs a sprint at his compliment, and at the fact that he can read me well enough to know my feelings weren’t really hurt. “Aw! You really do love me!” I tease. This banter we share is the best. No one knows me the way Ash does.
“You once got a splinter out of my ass cheek, Col. How could I not love you?”
“What about your ass?” a voice comes from behind me. I recognize it instantly. It’s Atlas’s friend Brenner, whom I never really had a problem with until he started flirting with Ash. I don’t know why I care if he does. They’re both bi, sex is fun, we’re young and dumb, so we should enjoy all the fucking we want, but lately it’s been rubbing me wrong. Not just when Brenner does it, but when anyone does. I chalk it up to being a protective brother. Ash keeps me safe from creepy-crawlies and doesn’t tell anyone my scaredy-cat secret, and I spoil him and make sure anyone he hooks up with is good to him, and if they’re not, I might suddenly be okay with violence.
“Just that it’s the best on campus,” Ash flirts. “That and my dick, depending on what someone’s in the mood for.”
While Brenner never used to annoy me, we’re not super close to him either. Since Troy and Atlas started dating, Brenner and Taylor are around more because they’re Atlas’s friends. Hell, I didn’t even know Atlas had friends before he fell in love with my best friend.
“I mean…I’d have to test them both out to say for sure.” Brenner sits beside Ash, who smiles at the compliment.
“His ass is cute. All tight and round,” I say, and Brenner’s mouth drops open. “What? It is.”
“Um…” Brenner looks back and forth between us.
“Colin didn’t mean it like you think he does. And it’s not you. We’re just weird,” Ash replies, which kicks my protective stepbro instincts in again.
“Also, keep your hands off Ash’s butt.”
“I’m so confused. Did something change between you?” Brenner scratches his head.
“No. Why?” I ask.
“Because you’re telling me what his butt looks like?”
“No, I’ve been seeing that for ages. This isn’t new.”
“Not sexually,” Ash throws out.
“Obviously,” I reply.
“I’m not saying I wouldn’t be interested…” Brenner interrupts us. “Might be fun being between two stepbrothers.”
“We don’t have sex with each other, or with the same person at the same time,” Ash says in unison with my, “I’m straight, and I said hands off Ash.”
“Are you sure you’re straight? And are you even connected to reality right now?”
“Fuck off, Brenner.” I dig into my food, taking a bite, then point to Ash with my fork. “You need to eat. We spent a lot of time talking, and you have to go to class soon.”
“I’ll do what I want, thank you,” Ash replies playfully, but he does start to eat. I think he likes that I pay so much attention to him, which works because I like paying attention to him. It was an interesting dynamic when he had a crush on Troy. I had to work harder not to let it show that I’m protective of him, but for some reason, I also knew that Troy and Ash would never happen.
“Anyway, I don’t want to interrupt this brotherly lovefest. Hit me up.” Brenner nods at Ash, stands, and takes off. I feel Ash’s gaze on me, but I don’t meet it on purpose.
“You know I could have sex with Brenner if I wanted to, right?”
“I know.” And really, I don’t care. Much. But sometimes I wonder if I do…or why I would. “Do you want to have sex with Brenner?”
“That’s beside the point.” Ash takes another bite.
“Want me to go get him for you?”
Ash glares at me, the hints of gold and green in his hazel eyes sparkling in the sunlight.
“Aren’t brothers supposed to protect each other’s honor and shit?” I ask. “I’m just trying to do my job. We look out for each other.”
No one else would see it, but I think Ash melts a little. While his parents love him, they’re not the most attentive people in the world, and lucky for him, I am. Well, lucky for both of us, since I enjoy it too.
“You’re too sweet for your own good.” Ash gives me a cocky grin. “Take me to class?”