“No, but this is bad, Frankie.”

I nod. “Okay.” I take another few steps forward and stop. It’s bloody and much of the blood is all over the walls, the computer screens and gaming equipment. “This doesn’t make sense.”

“Agreed. It’s the same guy, but this is out of character for what we know about him.”

The scene is intentionally messy when the others have been so pristine. “This is personal, or more personal than the others. I think.” I can’t make sense of it especially with my mind whirling about the blue panties in an evidence bag down in the kitchen.

“It’s just blood. His throat was slit here.” Jay points to the chair. “The arterial spray is dry underneath the smears on the screens,” he says, pointing out the dots under the mess.

Jay walks around the room making notes and I can’t move. My mind won’t stop thinking about those panties—mypanties, I’m sure—and what this all means. “Jay.”

“Nothing appears to be missing, so we can rule out a robbery. Junkies would surely take this expensive equipment rather than rub blood all over it.”

“Jay,” I say again and this time I get his attention.

“What’s up Frankie?”

I open my mouth to tell him about the panties. I trust Jay. He’s family to me but the first sound that comes out is incoherent and I shake my head. “Never mind.”

I can’t tell Jay about the panties or the benzos on the yacht because it’ll make me sound crazy. Hell, I think I sound crazy. What are the odds that someone on the ship stole my panties and placed them in Zeke’s cold dead hand?

The panties can’t be mine. I keep telling myself that, but I can’t even remember if I packed them when we left the boat. My mind’s a mess, all scrambled thanks to this killer. He’s in my head, clouding my thoughts.

Losing focus. Again.

Jay and I head downstairs, but I veer off into the kitchen, spotting Nate. I give him a quick nod toward the backyard. He follows, curiosity on his face.

“What’s going on, Frankie?” His voice is laid back, but there’s something more behind it. That same old Nate swagger.

“I need a favor.” I glance around, making sure we’re alone. “I need you a rush on those panties for DNA.”

His eyes light up and I want to smack him. He leans against the house, a smug smile growing. “Panties, huh? They aren’t yours, are they?”

“No,” I shoot back, too quickly.

He laughs. “Are you sure, Frankie? ‘Cause if they are, well, that’s a whole different kind of request.” He winks.

I roll my eyes, feeling heat creep up my neck. “Just do your job, Nate.”

He leans in slightly, still smiling. “I dunno, Frankie. You asking me for this? I thought we were past thisfavorthing, but I guess some habits die hard.” His tone drips with innuendo, his eyes raking over me.

I glare at him, keeping my voice low. “You owe me. Don’t make this weird.”

Nate’s gaze sharpens a little. “What’s really going on? You don’t just pull me aside for nothing.”

“Nothing’s going on. I just need it done fast and quietly.”

He studies me for a beat longer, then shrugs, though I can tell he doesn’t believe me. “Fine. You want me to call you directly when I get the results?”

“That’d be great. Thanks.”

As I walk away, my pulse quickens. I know those panties are mine. My DNA will be all over them, and if that happens, I’ll be out. No more case. No more investigation.

And Nate’s stupid smirk tells me he’s enjoying this a little too much.

Jay keeps casting sideways glances at me, but I pretend not to notice. He’s waiting for me to say something, but I’m too wrapped up in my thoughts.

“You going back to the penthouse?” he finally asks.