Page 75 of Brutal Game

—mine—I think she cried in response.You’re mine too, Jack…

Come poured out of me for what felt like forever, until finally I slumped over her, exhausted and satisfied. She slumped over too, against the net, and the entire contraption slid forward. My reflexes kicked in and I caught her around the waist before she fell headfirst into the ice. Reluctant to pull out of her, I stayed where I was as my cock softened, reaching around her to untie her wrists fromthe net and rub them gently to bring feeling back into them.

Aviva was quiet, trembling, probably cold from the ice because she didn’t spend time out here like I did.

Finally, I pulled out, watching with unreserved glee as my words came true, my come dripping out of her ass and onto the ice.

“Do you think the Zamboni driver will notice?” I asked her, not even to be a dick, but because my brain had abandoned my body and my thoughts had become pure nonsense, like I was high for the first time in my life.

Hell, maybe I was. Had I ever experienced anything like that before? I’d know, right?

I dragged her jeans up over her legs and her bare pussy, before locating my hoodie, dusting off the ice shavings, and pulling it over her head. Aviva, for her part, didn’t fight me, but submitted as I did my best to cover and warm her, before lifting her into my arms my favorite way and carefully walking us over to the penalty box. Sitting down on the bench with her in my lap, I cradled her in my arms, contenting myself with the smell of her hair and the way she burrowed into me, like I wasn’t her worst enemy, but her protector.

“You’re okay, I’ve got you,” I murmured. “I’ve got you, Aviva. I’m here, princess, I’m here.”

She settled into my arms, sighing, soft and sweet and overwhelmed. I kissed the tears on her face, my heart in my throat at how overcome she was, because after all, I felt the same way.

This woman was amazing, and she was mine.

What’s more, I was hers.

I felt her slowly relax as she cuddled closer. Satisfactionfilled me that I could do this for her. My brother thought I didn’t understand aftercare?Bullshit.

I may have still hated her, but I’d meant every unhinged thing I’d said to her out there on the ice. I’d broken her, and I’d put her back together.

We stayed like that for a while, and I lost track of time, soothed by the feeling of her in my arms, the sensation of caring for her, protecting her from the world, from everything and everyone but me.

I could’ve stayed that way forever.

“Jack?” she finally said, voice sweet as she reached up her small hand and gently cupped my face.

I nuzzled into her soft palm. “Yeah, princess?”

The sting was as sudden as the sound.

She’d slapped me. Again.

Temporarily shocked, I released her. “What the actual fuck, Aviva?”

“What, you think you can force your cock into my ass and then cuddle me and I’ll be okay with it? That some soft words and touches erase every horrible thing you’ve done to me? Fuck you, Jack Feldman.Truly, go fuck yourself. Because you won’t be fucking me, ever again. I’m not yours. You don’t deserve me.”

Her words ripped right into me, shattering my chest, my bones, destroying that feeling from earlier, the one I hadn’t been able to name.

I knocked her from my lap, and when she thudded to the floor, I hated myself almost as much as I hated her.

“Sounds good, princess. It’s been fun, but it’s time for me to find a new toy. This one’s…used.”

I rose to my feet, determined to leave her there, to do exactly what I’d said. I stumbled more than walked off the ice, down the tunnel and back into the locker room,grabbing my stuff and heading to my car so I could get home and shower this whole fucked up experience off of me.

When I got to my car, I sat in the dark with my headlights off, waiting for her to leave, and then following her home to make sure she got inside her apartment safely.

I’d become a motherfucking simp for my enemy.

I hadn’t succeeded in breaking Aviva.

But she’d succeeded in breaking me.