also my warden, guardian, jailor and general pain in the ass, but that’s besides the point
I tried to play it cool.
why does he hate him?
idk, but blake’s face gets all tight and mouth all square and pissed if his name comes up
ill bug him about it, its fun to bug him about things
Before I could respond, Professor Johnathan cleared his throat.
I looked up guiltily, hiding my phone under my desk.
“Ms. Gold, I would appreciate it if you paid attention to class and not to whomever you’re texting.”
“I’m sorry, you’re right,” I mumbled.
The class laughed. Jack raised an eyebrow.
I raised an eyebrow right back.
I wasn’t going to get caught up in his games. Not when it looked like I finally,finally, had a lead. And without the distraction of Jack’s torment and torture, I was free again. Free to get justice for my brother. And god saveanyonewho got in my way.
Including Jack Fucking Feldman. Anger, righteous and energizing, filled me. So did determination. I wouldn’t let how he’d hurt me at the hockey house destroy me. Wouldn’t let it distract me from my true purpose at Reina. I wouldn’t take his bullshit bent over anymore. Even if a fucked up part of me craved it.
As if he could hear my thoughts, his eyes narrowed.
I narrowed mine right back.
Because if Jack thought he was still calling the shots when it came to me?
Then he had another think coming.
“Ican’t believe he thinks he can boss you around like this,” Tovah said. She was sitting on my bed, eyeing me as I got dressed for the hockey game. “What, he ignores you for a week—thank god—and then sends you a box with his jersey in it, tells you to wear it to the first game of the season, and expects you’ll…do it? Does he know you at all?”
“He does,” I said.
That was the problem. He knew I didn’t like being bossed around, especially by him. He also knew that when it came to sex, I craved it from him—because he’d fucked up my brain when it came to sex.
And maybe when it came to everything else.
Earlier that day, I’d been surprised by a box at our door. Inside was Jack’s jersey with instructions to come to his game “or else.” Apparently he wasn’t done fucking with my head, after all.
At first, I’d considered ignoring it entirely. I’d tossedthe jersey in the trash and was about to text “fuck you,” to him, but that didn’t feel like a big enough statement. No, I wanted my fuck you to be impossible to ignore or misunderstand. He’d humiliated me publicly, now it was my turn.
“Well,” Tovah said. “Should we make a sign that says “JACKASS FELDMAN” and cheer every time Tabb scores? Lucy and Leslie said they’d sneak over to our side of the arena for part of the game, so at least we can cheer with them.”
I couldn’t wait to see them. Not only because they were fun and I liked them, but because Lucy had promised to grill Coach Samson about Joshua Jensen. I hadn’t told her why, but Lucy, who was loyal in ways I understood and appreciated, had said,I get it, girl code.
I eyed her. “The sign sounds cute, but it’s not enough.” An idea came to me. “Any chance you have another player’s jersey?”