Page 46 of Brutal Game

nah, it’s the capitalization

and the rapeyness

He was relentless.

Take the pill.

what is it


i thought you said you weren’t a drug dealer

and i’m not taking your date rape drug

I’m not a drug dealer, I happen to know who deals. And it’s an aphrodisiac, not a date rape drug.

still not taking it

You think you have a choice? When are you going to learn?

this is going too fucking far Jack

it’s one thing to let you…do things to me, fully conscious

Do “things” to you?


I do know what you mean. You mean me fucking that tight little innocent pussy whenever and wherever I want, because you aren’t allowed to tell me no, remember?

Or I’ll go directly to the administration and tell them Asher Gold told his sister, Aviva Gold, to break into the hockey locker room and plant evidence against Coach Jensen.

And then Asher can say goodbye to ANY future in hockey, and you can say goodbye to a college degree. Going to be hard to become a psychologist without one, isn’t it?

My teeth grinded together at the text. I hated him so much. He was taunting me, and I knew it. Because I had no way of winning against him. But I wasn’t taking his fucking aphrodisiac-roofie-bullshit.

maybe ill go to professor johnathan and tell him what you’re doing

There was no response. My heart pounded faster. Had I actually found a way out of this?

Don’t you ever use that sleezy moron against me.

Besides, my brothers have leverage against him, and his entire family. He won’t do anything against me, even if he wants to. How do you think I switched into your seminar in the first place?

I stilled, staring at my phone screen. It explained so much, but it also meant I had no other option.

Take it now, and come to the hockey house tonight. Or I’ll ruin yours and Asher’s lives. Don’t test me, Aviva.

Dress nice. We’re having a special party.

And you’re the guest of honor.

That same foreboding from earlier washed over me. Chills broke out over my skin. I could guess what sort of party it was. But Jack was right. What choice did I possibly have?

And with foreboding, a tingle all over my body that I couldn’t deny. Excitement. I was excited. I was sick in the head, because the idea of taking an aphrodisiac, only to be at Jack’s mercy, turned me on.

I didn’t respond to the text, but opened the small baggie and located a bottle of water.