Page 40 of Brutal Game

I sighed. “You’re going to hate her for it as much as I did.”

As I started to tell them about what had happened between catching her in the locker room and now, they kept interrupting.

“Wait, so does she know how involved we are with Vice and Vixen?” Levi asked.

I shook my head. Of course they’d be concerned; Judah was the muscle, and Levi was the threat. “No, it’s not about Vice and Vixen, although I thought that originally, too. No, she’s Asher’s sister.”

“Shit,” Isaac said. “That’s fucked.”

“And,” I added, lowering my voice, “she was trying to frame Coach for,” I swallowed, the words almost getting stuck in my throat, “sexually abusing Asher.”

“What the actual fuck,” Judah said.

Levi’s eyes narrowed and darkened, but he let his brother speak for him.

“What a fucking bitch,” Judah continued.

I gritted my teeth, reminding myself that Judah was my friend, and that punching him for calling Aviva a bitch was a bad call. Instead, I continued with my story, filling them in on blackmailing her for sex, and then blackmailing Professor Dylan Johnathan into letting me switch into the Deviant Psychology class so I could be?—

“Closer to her,” Isaac said.

“Keep an eye on her,” I corrected.

“Not sure making a virgin fuck you is ‘keeping an eye’ on someone, but your definition may be different than mine,” he said.

“I don’t understand what the hell you have over that guy,” Judah said.

“He’s one of Vice and Vixen’s number one buyers,” Levi told his brother.

And the second I got wind that his recreational sharing of it wasn’t consensual by both parties, I was going to kick his ass. It made me a hypocrite, but I didn’t give a fuck. As I’d once told Mason Calloway, there was a difference between drugging a girl to get your rocks off like a fucking incel, and using Vixen to get her to acknowledge how she really felt about you.

Which gave me an idea.

I finished my story, catching my friends up to now and then filled them in on my new plan.

“That’s fucked,” Isaac stated.

“It is.” Judah flashed a grin. “I like it. Let’s all show that bitch who she’s messing with.”

Don’t punch your friend in the face, I reminded myself.

“No,” Isaac said. “Jack, you do something like this—you can’t come back from it. Not with her, and not with yourself.Trust me.”

I wasn’t sure what he meant, but was distracted when Levi opened his mouth. “In fact, I think we should all have a turn with her.”

Judah laughed. “Sounds fun.”

None of you are fucking touching her. Not unless you want me to rip your hands off your bodies.

Isaac was right. What the hell had gotten into me?

But all I said was, “Maybe. If you fuckers behave.”

“Oh, we’ll behave,” Judah said, slapping his brother’s hand. “We’ll behave so hard, she won’t walk for a week.”

He held his hand up for Isaac, who refused, instead staring at me, not a dimple in sight.

“You sure about this, captain?”