Page 24 of Brutal Game

He smirked at me. “Either way, don’t worry: it’s only going to get worse.” His voice went hard. “Now,strip.”

Out of reflex, I covered my chest, leaning away from him.

“Lower your arms,” he ordered.

I shook my head. Anything but that. I could handle a lot, but I couldn’t handle the revulsion on Jack’s face when he saw my scar.

“Not my shirt, Jack.Please.”

He considered, gazing up at me. My whole body tingled, the way it had at the party when we’d first looked at each other. Once again, it felt like he could see right through me, like all of me was bare. I forced myself to keep my head raised high.

Finally, he smirked. “Fine. But one of these days I’m going to rip off your top and look at your naked breasts. You won’t know when it’s coming, but I promise—it’s coming.”

Fear filled me, but I didn’t argue. It wasn’t worth it.

He jerked his chin at my jeans. “Get to it.”

Standing so close to him, it was a struggle to unbutton them and shove them down my legs, especially since he didn’t help, just watched me, a small smirk playing on his lips. Lifting one leg and the other, I kicked them away.

Eyes on my underwear, Jack’s nostrils flared. And then he shocked me when he leaned forward, shoving his nose against my pussy.

Holy fucking shit, he wassmellingme.

He dropped a soft kiss on my clit above my underwear, gazing up at me through his dark lashes. The tenderness of the action, which had to be fake, was belied by his words.

“Your little pussy smells so good. Already wet and ready for me. Raw and juicy and…” He kissed my clit again, and my thighs clenched. “Honest. Unlike the rest of you.”

I protested before I could stop myself. “I’m not a liar.”

“Aren’t you?”

Silence stretched between us, his hot breath on me, his eyes on mine, unspoken words between us. Some language being spoken that I couldn’t,wouldn’tunderstand. Irefusedto. Jack couldn’t see me, know me, and I didn’t want to know him, either.

That way lay dragons.

He sat back, all business now. “Lose the panties.”

I gulped, shoving them down my legs and kicking them out of the way.

His gray eyes were so dark, they were almost black. “So. Fucking.Wet,” he said, his words a sharp staccato that slapped the walls of the small seminar room.

“Take me out,” he ordered. “And grab the condom out of my left pocket.”

I balked. A blowjob was one thing, an orgasm…fine. Whatever. I’d survived it. But actual sex? When I’d never had sex before? Much less with someone who loathed me like Jack did? I wouldn’t survive it.

“I’m not fucking you.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Then pull my phone out instead. There are some calls I need to make.”

“Fine,” I spat.

“Now, that doesn’t sound very enthusiastic,” he mused. “I expect a little more eagerness from you, princess.”

“Fine,master,” I said sweetly, trying to burn him to ash with my eyes.

He chuckled. “Much better.”

Reaching into his left pocket, my hand brushed against his cock, separated from the skin of my fingertips by threadbare fabric. He was already hard, and without thinking, I stroked him. Only once, but that was enough.