Page 96 of Meet Me In The Dark

Conor lifted her chin. “Are you using your veto?”

She shook her head, her eyes bright. To Luke, she asked, “It’s going to hurt, isn’t it?”

And Luke experienced the unfamiliar sensation of his cock going rock hard at the same time his heart went gooey-soft.

“Hell yeah,” he said. “It’s going to hurt a fuck ton. And it’s going to be so, so good.”

They decided to do it in the dining room. Conor suggested the kitchen, but Micah was adamant that, no matter how much he cleaned it, he didn’t trust it. Plus, the island was too high to get the angle quite right, and apparently the angle really mattered. Kara thought that sounded right; after all, they were talking about putting needles through her nipples and the hood of her clit, so things like getting angles right seemed pretty important.

She was a curious mix of turned on, so excited to be doing this with them it felt like a high, and incredibly sober. Not just because of the pain, although that was a huge part of it, but because this, more than anything else, felt like an irrevocable commitment. It was silly; they’d already made an irrevocably commitment to each other all the times they’d saved each other. But this felt…permanent.

This felt like marriage.

It was fortunate she didn’t need a moment to catch her breath, because it was a moment she wasn’t going to get. They didn’t take things slowly, or pause to process. It didn’t matter that they’d only been together for about six months. They decided, they acted. That was it.

And you’re it, for them,that voice in her head reminded her, and it was that that guided Kara forward, not fighting Conor when he lifted her in his arms and deposited her face up on the smooth wood table.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Micah disappear, then reappear with rope.

“Why are you tying me down?” she asked.

Luke winked at her. “You’re going to want to move around, and we’ll need you to stay still so the needles go where they’re supposed to.”

That made her heart thud hard as all three men tied her arms and legs down to convenient little metal loops underneath the four corners of the table. Conor had added them about two months ago. Micah took the final length of rope and wound it around her waist, once, twice, three times, before tying it off. She’d been tied down by these men before, many times, but she’d never felt as caught as she did now—or as safe.

Or as loved.

Or as turned on.

“Oh, bad girl, that made you wet, didn’t it?” Conor tsked.

“And her nipples hard,” Micah added, moving down the table to pinch one, then the other, making her cry out.

She felt oversensitive already, and they’d barely touched her. What was it going to feel like when the rings were actually in? She was going to be on the verge of orgasm all thetime, led around by her pussy and willing to do anything for them, just how her men liked it.

How she liked it, too.

Luke showed her the rings. Two were bigger, one was tiny. All of them had a bump she couldn’t discern.

“Are those…letters?”

Luke nodded. “C,M,L. Conor wanted it to say “Property of Conor O’Connell, Micah Feldman, and Luke James, but the jeweler told us it wouldn’t fit.”

“Besides,” Conor grunted, “No one’s going to be seeing you naked, so our initials were enough of a reminder.”

Micah leaned down to bite one nipple, then the other, alternating until Kara’s hips jerked, only to be stopped by all the rope holding her down. “I thought it was a little kinder than us carving our names into your breasts, although that was thrown out as an option.”

“Mmm, knife play,” Luke sighed. “One day.”

“Veto,” Kara said automatically, making her men laugh.

“I think her nipples are hard enough, and her clit is getting there, but it could use some help, don’t you think, Conor?” Luke said conversationally.

Conor grunted, and then his mouth was there. He didn’t bother with any other part of her pussy, completely focused on licking, sucking, and biting on Kara’s clit, until she didn’t need to see it herself to know it was?—

“Look how red, look how pretty,” Conor said, pulling back and showing Luke and Micah, who crowded around him.

“Poor baby,” Micah crooned. “Our pussy needs to come, doesn’t she?”