It’s hard enough to restrain myself right now, but I can because I need him to see how strong I am. But once he’s gone, I’m going to fall apart.
My phone beeps next, saving me from examining that thought. I’m not exactly relieved to see it’s from Lena. I’m being sent back to Silverton to help them prepare.
“What is it?” Kyle asks.
I flick across my screen with one finger as I read the messages. “I’ve got to go back home to Silverton. Lena and Jack need me over there.”
“Good,” he says. “You’ll be safe there, especially if Jack’s covering that area. I feel a lot better going away, knowing you won’t be here alone.”
I stare at him for a few seconds, wondering how to tell him everything that’s in my heart. All my emotions are welling up in my chest, causing so much pressure inside me, I feel like I have to scream.
Don’t go. Please don’t go!
I manage to take a deep breath and let it out without sobbing. “So, that’s settled, then. I’ll get ready, then head out to Silverton.”
Kyle nods. “I’ll be out of here in ten. I can’t let Bailey down.”
He rushes from the room to get changed. I feel abandoned and very alone, as well as terrified for Kyle. For a few seconds, I can’t even move, but when he returns, I manage to smile.
“Okay, well… I should go,” he says.
I nod. “Yes. You should.”
We stare at each other for a few seconds. Finally, Kyle walks over to me, holds my shoulders gently, and kisses my forehead.
“Bye, Leslie,” he says. “I won’t be gone long, I promise.”
“Okay,” I whisper. “I’ll hold you to it.”
I watch him go, then hurry to get myself ready, so I won’t have time to think. It doesn’t take long to change and throw a bag together.
I hit the road, singing loudly to the radio to distract myself. I can’t help the horrible ideas that keep running through my head, though.
What will Bailey ask him to do? Will he send Kyle into danger? What if it turns into an all-out fight?
Stay safe, Kyle. Please stay safe, my love.
My heart is aching, and tears are burning my eyes. I don’t know who I’m trying to fool here. It’s obvious that my heart and soul are entangled with this man, whether I like it or not.
And that’s what’s terrifying. I can’t stop myself from loving him, no matter how scared I am of losing him.
When I arrive in Silverton, I head straight to Gladys’s diner and find a decent amount of people meeting out back. Gladys and Belle have a table set up with food and coffee, so I grab myself something to eat and mingle a bit.
“Hey!” Lena says, cutting through the crowd to grab my arm. “I’m so glad I found you—it’s getting chaotic in here.”
“Yeah, I might have noticed. What’s the word?”
“Jack is going out on perimeter with Decker and some others. You and I are going to be stocking up safe houses. There are other prominent pack members going around to individual houses to warn others and tell them where to retreat to if things get hot.”
“Is it really that bad?” I ask, my stomach twisting in fear.
“Yes,” Lena says, her face grave. “These guys are really bad news, and Bae doesn’t want a single person getting hurt. He knows how nasty it can get, and we have to go to great lengths to make sure everyone is protected.”
Jack comes out to the front of the table, calling for everyone’s attention. He gives a basic rundown of what everyone is supposed to be doing, then breaks up the meeting. Before he leaves, he comes and gives Lena a deep, passionate kiss. She clings to him, obviously not wanting him to go.
I turn my head away, trying not to think about Kyle.
If something happens to him and he doesn’t know how I feel, I’ll never forgive myself.