There is no better way to be sore and tired.
Then I hear a car door slam, and I realize that’s what woke me—a car in the driveway. I throw on a robe and hurry to find out who it is.
“Babe?” Kyle mutters.
“I’ll see who it is,” I call back to him. By the time I get to the door, he’s thrown on a pair of pants and is staggering down the hall.
“Hello?” Gina’s voice sounds on the other side of the door, accompanied by a sharp knock. I open up and smile, genuinely happy to see her, even if the timing is inconvenient.
“Hi,” I answer, feeling a bit bashful. Kyle comes up beside me and casually puts an arm around my waist.
“Oh, hey, Gina,” he says. “Good morning.”
“Good morning to you, too,” she says, her lips twisting in a mischievous smile. “I was coming to take Leslie out for shopping and lunch, but it looks like you guys might be a bit busy.”
“Gettin’ busy,” Kyle mutters, squeezing my butt. I giggle stupidly, covering my mouth.
“Seriously, I’d like to,” I say to Gina. “Let me get ready.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it,” Gina answers. “We can shop anytime. You guys just enjoy each other.”
“Well, whatever else is happening today, I’m in desperate need of coffee,” Kyle says. “Want anything, babe?”
“Ah… sure. Just the usual.”
“Okay.” He leans over and kisses my cheek softly, reaching around to lightly squeeze my butt again.
“Careful,” I whisper. “I’ll tackle you again.”
“Oh no,” he says, his eyes going wide. “Not that. Anything but that!”
I give him a little shove, giggling. He makes a little kissy motion with his lips, then heads towards the kitchen, waving to Gina.
“So… you guys worked everything out, then?” Gina asks, beaming. I shake my head.
“I just… I don’t want to think too hard about it right now. There’s no point in trying to define it. I just want to take each day as it comes.”
“I completely understand,” Gina says. “Just do what you need to, okay?”
“I will,” I answer, smiling. She is starting to feel like the big sister I never had.
“Oh, before I go,” Gina adds. “Jack and Bailey have been talking about that rival pack again. I think there’s some updates coming, and unfortunately, we might have to do something about them.”
“Okay,” I say, nodding slowly. “Thanks for letting me know.”
Gina’s words strike fear into me. I’ve managed to distance myself from everything Kyle told me—it’s just too traumatic to dwell on—but I know it would be foolish to forget about it completely. The other pack is a genuine threat, and Kyle will get mixed up in it again, whether I like it or not.
As I watch Gina heading back to the car, I think about how I want to enjoy my time with Kyle as much as possible. Maybe before all the hectic stuff starts to go down, I should take him out on a date to show him how much I care.
Chapter 15 - Kyle
After our wonderful night in the woods, we spend a quiet day together. Just like after the first night, Leslie let me sleep next to her—we watch movies, eat snacks, and lie around in bed.
This was the basis of our relationship before, and it made me unbelievably happy. A place I can feel safe, comfortable, and loved, a person I can truly relax with—these are things I never had growing up. They truly are the simplest of things, and I’ve always craved them.
Now that I have it, I never want to let it go.
I see a darkness lurking at the edges of Leslie’s eyes, an occasional hesitance in her voice. I know I don’t deserve her forgiveness, but it doesn’t stop me from praying for it. I enjoy every single second of our lazy, quiet day, wishing with every fiber of my being that I will get to enjoy this for the rest of my life.