I won’t let anyone else get hurt because of me.

“So, you finally showed up,” Jethro taunts. “I’m assuming you were busy off in Silverton?”

I glance over at Rider, who gives me a shrug and a grin. Since Jethro did make his main attack through the range under Mount Sneffels, I don’t know if I should thank Rider or punch him in the face.

“I’m here,” I say simply. Standing in front of Jethro, I extend my arms by my sides and open my hands. “And I’m all yours.”

Jethro glares at me, looking me up and down. I know he doesn’t want to fight me. Even though he forced others to fight and kill each other regularly, he mostly stayed out of it, protecting himself unless it was an unfair fight that he couldn’t lose.

Inside me, I can feel that red-hot, blinding rage I’ve had my whole entire life. I found an outlet for it with the Sawpit Pack. It made me feel righteous, and strong. Since then, it has only scared me, because I know it could explode and destroy everything I love.

Now, I harness it. The fire streaks through my veins, and I glare at Jethro, who’s smirking at me.

My anger gives me strength. I can use that strength to protect those I love. I don’t have to fear it.

I don’t have to fear anything!

I look over at Leslie, and she’s watching me, standing not far away. I smile at her, and even though she looks scared, she smiles back. I gesture for her to move back and join Bailey before I turn around to face Jethro again.

Now that I have Leslie’s love, I don’t have to fear anything ever again.

Jethro is frowning, a red flush creeping up his neck. I just shrug.

“Are we going to stand here all day? I know you’ll avoid any situation that exposes you as the weakling you are, but this is beyond pathetic.”

“You shut your damn mouth!” Jethro screams.

I fold my arms and grin. “Go on, call in your wolves to attack. Create a distraction so no one can see you slink out of the fight with your tail between your legs. You talk a big game, but really, all you do is make others do your fighting for you.”

The wolves scattered about the valley behind Jethro start moving around restlessly. Some that are in human shape whisper to themselves and look at Jethro with suspicion.

“Fuck you,” Jethro says firmly. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I know you’re a coward,” I say, shrugging. “And if you call in a full attack, it will be for one reason—because you’re too fucking chicken shit to fight me one on one.”

Jethro’s face goes red, and he bares his teeth at me, growling. I know I’ve struck a nerve because it’s the absolute truth.

“Fine,” Jethro says. “Let’s do this. I’m going to take you to school, you little pup, and then I’m going to take your woman.”

“We’ll see about that,” I mutter.

We walk towards each other, sizing each other up a bit as we get into striking distance. Both of the other packs move back a little. I know Bailey will keep his wolves back because he has honor and he believes in matches like this. I also feel confident that Jethro’s wolves won’t obey him until he proves himself to them.

And he won’t. He can’t.

Suddenly, Jethro rushes at me, ducking at the last second to slam his elbow into my face. His other hand punches me hard in the ribs, and I stagger back, winded. Just as I catch my feet, he comes at me again, tackling me.

His shoulder rams into my chest, smashing the breath out of my body. The shock when we hit the ground stuns me, and I’m out of it for a few seconds as we roll across the grass.

I land on my knees and prop myself up on my hands, glaring at Jethro. He’s grinning, showing me his long, yellowed teeth. I shake my head a little, trying to clear it.

He’s still tough, even if he is a coward. He knows how to take a hit, and he enjoys killing. I shouldn’t underestimate him.

Jethro rushes me, and I stand up, ready to tackle him to the ground. At the last second, Jethro shifts, his teeth coming straight for my throat.

I hear Leslie scream my name, and I barely have time to swing to the side to keep Jethro from tearing my throat open. Istumble and fall to my knees as Jethro swiftly turns around and comes at me again.

Rolling across the grass, I shift and launch myself at him the second I get my feet under me. We twist and writhe against each other, trying desperately to get a grip on each other’s throats.