“I love you, Bae,” she whispers.
“I love you, too,” he answers. “Everything’s going to be okay.”
I slip out the back door, feeling highly skeptical about Bailey’s statement. I hurry to my car and get in, driving slowly through the streets towards the campground. I’m pretty sure that’s where they have to be.
I’m not letting Lena take the fall. No way.
I park a few streets away from the main campground, the huge peaks of the range towering above me. I head into the trees and shift, loping towards the campground. When I see a crowd of people up ahead, I go around, coming at the location from the opposite side.
I have a clear view of Bailey and Jack staying ahead of a big group of Silver Meadows wolves. In the middle of the meadow, a scrawny-looking guy is holding onto Lena, Rider standing next to him. A few wolves are scattered in formation around them, and I can see other wolves in the nearby forest, just waiting to attack.
“Come on, Jethro,” Bae says. “Just give up. I have my whole pack here on full alert. You’ll never get out of here alive.”
Jethro laughs, and it echoes around the clearing, a cacophony of insane satisfaction.
“Do you think I care about my own life? You can’t threaten me, Alpha Bailey. Not just because I’m not afraid of death, but because I know you’re a fucking liar.”
“How have I lied?” Bae asks coldly.
“Your pack isn’t here, boy,” Jethro scoffs. “Your best fighters are all in Silverton. Don’t try and fool me.”
The silence stretches out as Bailey and Jethro stare at each other. No one moves until Jethro gives Lena a little shake, digging his long nails into her neck. She whimpers, and Jack growls.
“If you hurt her, I’ll—”
“Yes, yes,” Jethro waves a hand as if he’s bored. “Torture me, kill me, punish me, whatever. You know my terms, and this is getting old.”
“We won’t trade!” Bae yells.
The pained look on Jack’s face is a terrible thing to see. I know he would trade anything to have her back in his arms, and I don’t blame him.
“You give us Leslie,” Jethro hisses. “Then you can have this one back, safe and sound.”
He digs his nails into Lena’s shoulders, drawing blood. She cries out and struggles a little, making Jethro laugh.
“Well, mostly safe and sound. I’m getting bored. Might be time to spice things up.”
He tightens his grip on Lena and tugs her against his body. She closes her eyes, shaking her head. Jack growls, and Bailey puts a hand on his arm.
“Why do you want Leslie so much?” Bae asks.
Jethro laughs in that mad, high sound that chills me to the bone.
Kind of like a hyena getting gutted.
“That should be obvious, kiddo. For Kyle! You see, at first, we just wanted to push you guys around, kill most of you, force you to submit so we could move into your pretty town and take some of this nice luxury for ourselves.” He looks around, his face twisting into a frown. “Look at what you have!” he screams. “Just look! We have nothing, fucking nothing! You have to pay for that, Bailey.”
Bae just nods, watching him closely. Jethro’s wolves come a bit closer to the standoff, threatening Bae and his line of defense.
“Well, that’s just not enough, not anymore,” Jethro spits the words out, breathing heavily. “No, I have to destroy that traitor Kyle. I want him to know what it feels like to have his heart cut in two. We want his mate, and I’m taking her for myself as a fair exchange for all the wrong he’s done to us.”
“And what then?” Bae says, softly. “If we could give you what you want, what then?”
Jethro shrugs, grinning. “I don’t know. We might go away. We might not.”
They glare at each other for several seconds. Jethro grips Lena’s shoulder with one hand and throws her to the ground. He bends over, his hand coming down to slash open her throat.
“Wait!” I scream, charging out of the trees. Everyone turns to me, both sides shocked to see me.