We stay wrapped together, our breathing short and hard and in perfect sync. I can’t tell where he ends and I begin. We are truly one, completely joined. Even as Kyle slips down beside me, we don’t let go of each other and fall asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

It seems like a lot of time has gone by when I’m woken by a sharp, repetitive sound. When my eyes flicker open, it’s still dark, and I can’t imagine what woke me.

Kyle lets go of me and crawls to the end of the bed, fumbling around for his phone. I hear him grab it, and he gasps, a sound of fear and surprise. I stare into the comforting dark, wishing that we could disappear into each other and leave the rest of the world behind.

But I could never abandon the others I love—and neither could he. It’s exactly why I love him so much.

“What is it, Kyle?”

“It’s the Decker Pack,” he says, his voice pained. “They got attacked instead of us. Rider lied to me.”

Chapter 23 - Kyle

Even though I’m reeling, my body immediately goes into attack mode. I leap from the bed, grabbing my pants and shirt and fumbling around on the floor for my shoes.

I have to get there! This is all my fault.

“Kyle, slow down,” Leslie says. “What are you doing?”

“I have to get over to Silverton. This could be bad. I know what these guys are like, Leslie. Decker Pack is completely exposed.”

“Please.” She slides over the edge of the bed, grabbing my hand. “Please don’t go.”

“I have to, babe,” I whisper, taking her face in my hands. “I let this happen. I have to go and help. I’ll be back soon, I promise.”

I see pain in her eyes, but she nods. I lean down and hug her, kissing her gently.

“Call Gina and the others, find out the situation here in Silver Meadows. They’ll know what to do, okay?’

“Okay,” she says, nodding. “Please be careful, Kyle.”

I give her one more hug, then run from the house. My phone dings as more messages come in. The Sawpit Pack appears to have hit Silverton with all their numbers, and the place is being overrun. I jump in my truck, which is stocked with supplies and weapons, and gun the engine as I take the road out of town.

Bae has directed all prominent pack members to join the Decker Pack in defense. A lot are running the forest as wolves and will get there faster than us. A few of us, including me, willdrive our trucks part of the way so that weapons and supplies will be on hand if needed.

As I put my foot flat to the pedal and brutally swing my truck through corners, I curse Rider’s name.

I should have known. Why did I trust him? I guess part of me still just wants to believe in the good in people.

It doesn’t take me long to get to the nearest meetup point. I leap out of the truck, shedding my clothes and shifting as I run into the forest. Feeling my wolf shape take over me floods me with confidence and power, and I throw my head back and howl.

Around me, I hear answering howls—Seth, Dane, Trace. Further off, I hear Sasha and Carson. The sound of our battle cry echoes through the forest in every direction as it reaches the ears of our fellows, filling the mountains with our song.

I caught the hint of smoke in the air from the moment I left the truck, but as I get closer to Silverton, it gets stronger and stronger. My heart twists in fear as I prepare myself for the worst.

When I come through the trees and see the little village below in flames, all my fear transforms into rage. I can smell the enemy wolves, a thick, unfamiliar haze that drifts through the air, mingling with the smoke.

Howls run through the forest, alerting us to each other’s positions. We have pack members circling around so the Sawpit Pack can’t easily retreat, and others forming a weapons relay from the trucks parked in designated areas.

Bae and Decker really set this up well. We’re stocked and prepared for anything these fuckers can throw at us.

As one, we move from the trees. The wolves in the village see us coming and form up through the streets. Our line breaks,sending wolves into the side alleys and falling into formation with those who are circling the town.

As I charge into the nearest street, three wolves come at me, snarling and snapping. I meet them at a full run, leaping for the throat of the first wolf. He tries to evade me, but I crouch down, reaching up to snap my jaws shut on his neck.

I flip onto my paws, shaking my head as hard as I can. The others start to move in on me, and I hurl my opponent’s body at them. They tumble against each other, sliding into the wall of a nearby building. I charge them again, snapping and twisting as they come at me. My fangs pierce flesh, blood stains my muzzle, but I don’t stop.

When those three wolves are dead at my feet, I continue down the street, listening to the fighting all around me. The burning houses make a sickening red glow against the pale dawn sky. The smoke hanging in the air is acrid and thick, stinging my eyes and throat.