Why is she telling me this?

“I was hoping you could come into the diner today. Not just for your shift but to talk with Decker and Belle. We pretty much decided on all the details, but obviously, we want your input.”

“Wait, what? Why?”

“Well… we chose you as the bride-to-be.”

“What…?” My voice comes out as a soft breath, barely even a word. Emotion slices through me, harsh enough to bring tears to my eyes. Thoughts are pounding against the inside of my skull with the savagery of last night’s rain.

Why would anyone want me?

“Leslie, are you still there?” Gladys asks.

“Yes, yes, I am,” I answer. “I’m sorry, I just don’t understand. Why would you choose me? I don’t have close family in the pack, I’m not related to the elders. I just…”

I’m ugly, and clearly my personality is chronically annoying. This is a great move if you want the other pack to hate us!

“Leslie, honey, listen to me.” Gladys’s usually soft voice takes on an edge I’ve only heard once or twice. She comes off sweet, but she’s also a tough old broad. “I know you’ve been going through something over the past year. A blind person could see it. I don’t know what it is, and God knows you don’t have to tell me. But I think something like this will be good for you. A new environment, a fresh start, people to meet. A change is just what you need.”

“I don’t know,” I answer softly. None of this sounds fun to me.

“Well, just think of it as your duty to the pack, then. A mission entrusted to you. Believe me, dear, there was a lot of talk about this, and you were chosen by all the elder members for this role.”

I hold back a sniffle, pushing my misery away from me again. She might be right. Even if she isn’t, being numb and detached might be different in a new place. So far, work is torture, home is worse, and anything in between is hell.

“Okay,” I say more firmly than I feel. “I’ll do it.”

“Good,” Gladys says warmly. “Will you come in this afternoon and chat with us about it? You don’t have to work if you don’t feel up to it.”

“No, it’s okay, I can do my shift. I’ll get ready now and come in so I can talk to the others.”

“Wonderful. I’ll see you soon.”

“Sure, bye.”

I hang up the phone and look out the window. The pale clouds are streaming across the sky, the wind tearing at them and shredding them into long, gray ribbons. I can feel a storm of the same fury raging inside me, but it’s far away, buried under layers of ice.

Maybe it should stay there.

I pull myself out of the chair and start getting ready. I don’t even feel excited or nervous about finding out who my husband will be. This is all just duty to me. More misery for a heart that already has far too much to carry.

Chapter 3 - Kyle

It’s good to be home.

Sitting out the back of Shelley’s with a tall jug of beer and a thick steak sandwich, I’m more relaxed than I have been for twelve months. I did my duty to the pack. Infiltrated Sawpit, got my intel, then got out clean.

I had to fake my death to get out of there. Once you join Sawpit Pack, you can’t ever leave. It’s a brotherhood type of deal, but it’s also because they are into a lot of illegal stuff and can’t have any loose ends.

Bailey sits at the head of the table with Jack to his right. Sasha, Dane, Seth, and Carson are here as well, and Kelta from the mountain pack.

“Thanks, everyone, for getting in here relatively early. As you all know, Kyle got in last night and we wanted to meet as soon as possible to hear what he has to say. Are you well-rested enough to give us a report?” Bae asks.

I nod, chewing down my sandwich so I can talk. “Sorry, guys. You can’t get a decent meal up past Sawpit to save your life. It’s wonderful beyond words to get a piece of steak and a decent beer.”

“We have tracked the Sawpit Pack towards Mount Wilson,” Kelta says. “This is of particular concern because it borders Silverton, and they are our allies.”

I nod in agreement. “Yes, they have moved that way with their new alpha, just like they did a few years ago. They are also heading north, towards Montrose.”