I wrap myself around him, pressing my cheek to his chest. I can’t hear any more of this. I just need to feel the warmth of him close to me and reassure myself that everything is okay, at least for now.

The tension slowly bleeds out of him as he rests in my arms, and I listen to his breathing turn slow and gentle. I hold him while he sleeps, letting myself doze a little, but hoping I can keep the nightmares at bay. At least for a little while so he can get some rest.

I sleep lightly, tuned into Kyle’s every movement and sound. As the dawn light begins to creep into the cabin, I untangle myself from him and head into the kitchen to make him some breakfast.

My hands shake as I put on coffee and start frying up the bacon. Emotions are clashing inside me, and I can’t stop them.

I’m so afraid to lose him. Everything we’ve come through so far has done a lot to reassure me, but here I am, desperate to care for him, and twisted up inside out at the thought he might die.

That’s where my greatest weakness is, and I’m well-aware of it. The secrecy he kept our relationship in before, the idea he might have been with another woman—all of these things mean absolutely nothing in the face of seeing him hurt or dead.

I’d forgive him anything, anything at all, and that’s what terrifies me. I’d let myself be completely destroyed just to keep holding on to him.

Tears are welling up as I poke at the bacon with a spatula. I feel like a complete wreck, and I can’t see any way out of this without getting hurt.

I hear a sharp cry from the living room. I bolt in there and see Kyle shaking under the blankets, agony on his face. I rush over and grab his shoulders, shaking him gently.

“Kyle, Kyle! It’s me. Please wake up, you’re okay.”

It takes a few seconds, but he comes around, his eyes opening suddenly. Relief floods through him, making him slump in my arms.

“Leslie,” he whispers, holding me. I squeeze him tight, stroking his hair until he calms down.

I love you.

The words are in my heart and on my lips, but I can’t speak them. They won’t move past the lump in my throat.

Am I ready to trust him? To be vulnerable in front of him?

I take a step back and look into his face. His eyes are so wide and full of feeling, it takes my breath away.

“I love you, Leslie,” he whispers. “I always have, and I always will.”

Tears flood down my face as my chest aches so sharply, it’s as if he just reached into my chest and literally touched my heart.

“I love you, too, Kyle. I love you so much.”

He pulls me down to him and kisses me, and I fall into his arms. We tumble onto the couch, a mess of grasping hands and tangled limbs. His mouth is hot on mine, and I answer his kisses with all the passion I’ve been holding back since our wedding night.

Kyle wraps one arm around my waist and the other across my back, squeezing me tightly as I writhe on top of him. I grip his waist with my knees and rock my hips back and forth, almost trembling with the force of my lust.

“Wait!” Kyle says, turning his head away. “What’s that smell?”

“The bacon!” I shriek, leaping off him and running for the kitchen. I turn off the burner and move the saucepan before the blackened rashers can become a full-on oil fire.

Kyle comes into the kitchen behind me, chuckling softly. “I can think of worse reasons to burn breakfast,” he says, coming over to wrap his arms around me. I snuggle against his chest, leaning my head on his shoulder.

“I wanted to make you a big, hearty breakfast to help you recover from last night.” I brush my fingers across his bare chest, enjoying the feel of his skin on my fingertips.

So fragile. He looks so tough, but he is so, so delicate, and he doesn’t even know it.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” I ask. I can still see faint smudges of blood stains on his skin.

“Yeah, my injuries are healed. I could use a shower, though.”

“Okay, well, you go ahead while I try a do-over on breakfast,” I say, giving him a squeeze. “I’ll have it ready for you when you get out.”

“Thank you, Leslie.” Kyle shakes his head a little. “Thank you for taking such good care of me.”