His words make me smile, but deep down, I’m still pretty sure this is just the reaction of a desperate man. Guys will say and do anything when they need release. It doesn’t mean any of it is real.
I bend down to kiss him again, but before I can touch my lips to his mouth, his face breaks into a feral grin. He grabs my shoulders, flipping us over. I hit the ground with a thud that leaves me breathless.
“Are you okay?” he asks, peering into my face.
“Is that all you got?” I mutter, wrestling him. “Come on, challenge me.”
He shakes his head a little before bending down to kiss me. There is an intensity to him now that wasn’t there before, and as my tongue answers his, I feel a deep throb of arousal inside me that is so strong, it obliterates all else.
Take me! Take me right fucking now!
I wrap my arms around his waist and grip him with my knees, shifting my hips until I can feel his cock rubbing against my hot, throbbing pussy. Kyle shudders, breaking the kiss to gasp against my ear. For a few seconds, we writhe against each other, the tension reaching an impossible height.
“Fuck me!” I shriek.
Kyle reaches down and grabs my hips, thrusting forward and finally joining us together.
I stretch my head back, arching my spine to let him slide all the way home. I rock my hips back, shifting his cock inside me and feeling the hard length of him touching every single inch of me.
Kyle’s head is pressed against my shoulder, and he takes a shuddering breath. At first, he doesn’t move, just holds himself still as I wriggle under him. His arms snake around me, one around my waist, the other around my shoulders.
He presses forward with his hips, and I’m pinned between the iron grip of his arms and the strength of his legs. He squeezes me as hard as he can, right to the edge of pain, then relaxes.
“Oh, my, fucking, God,” I whisper, my eyes fixed on the stars above. They flicker at me through the twisting leaves of the forest canopy, the lights of the celestial kingdom watching the consummation of our marriage.
A faint wave of sadness threatens me that this is not for love but for duty. I close my eyes and bury my head against his shoulder. The emotions that well up in me are too complicated and confusing, and I can’t bear to contemplate losing him.
Or not even really having him—even if we are married and mated for life.
Kyle tightens his grip again and begins to thrust. First, his strokes are long, slow, and deep. My body clenches around his, my pussy responding with spasms that send shock waves of pleasure through me.
Oh, God. I love you. I love you so much.
He increases his pace, and as he slams me into the forest floor, a massive orgasm shudders through me. I cling to him as he rams into me over and over, explosions rocking my body from the inside out. I throw my head back and scream.
“Oh, God, Leslie,” Kyle whispers against my cheek. “I’ve missed this so much.”
My scream collapses into a sob, and I cling to him even harder. He lets his body go, the pace quickening as his thrusts get harder and harder. His cock thickens inside me, touching aching places within that only he can reach. Another massive orgasm explodes deep inside, a wave of pleasure crashing through me, so powerful that I seem to black out for a second or two.
When I’m aware again, Kyle is clinging to me, his cock throbbing inside me as he comes. A string of ragged gasps tears through him, leaving him shaking with the force of his release.
For a moment, we hold each other, feeling only the connection between us. Sounds of the forest whisper all around us, making me feel safe and held.
There was no better place to be the first time we came together as husband and wife.
That thought brings me back to reality, and I feel my whole body react. My chest is suddenly tight, and my muscles tremble. Kyle slips off me and lies down beside me, his breathing settling to a normal rhythm already.
He reaches for my hand, linking our fingers together. I look over at him and smile, unable to help myself. He makes me happy, there is no denying that.
I just wish it was real…
With unspoken agreement, we shift and run back to the house. As wolves, we’re pretty resistant to cold, but our human forms will succumb much quicker.
Kyle takes my hand again as we enter the house, and I head for the bedroom, pulling him along with me. The smile that breaks across his face is contentment itself. We curl up together in the soft sheets, both of us drifting into deep and dreamless sleep.
When I wake suddenly, it takes a few moments for my brain to catch up. I don’t know what woke me. I can barely remember where I am.
Then I feel Kyle beside me, and everything comes back to me. My body is sore in all the right places, and I can’t help smiling.