But it’s coming out now. It’s all coming out, and I can’t stop it.

“Because I’m damaged goods,” I say with a little laugh. “I’m already fucked up and broken, so there isn’t much damage that can be done to me anymore.”

“What do you mean?” she asks, taking my hands.

I look up into her eyes. “I didn’t just leave for the mission. Yes, I was chosen for my special circumstances. Yes, I wanted to prove myself to the pack, especially Bailey. But I needed to get away from you, too.”

“Why?” she asks, pain in her voice.

I shake my head but look up to meet her eyes again.

To save you. Because I don’t deserve you!

“My parents—” my voice catches hard. For a few seconds, I can’t force out any sounds.

Start somewhere else, where it’s easier.

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, thinking. Leslie strokes my face.

“Take your time, Kyle.”

“My parents were abusive,” I choke out. “There was some messed up emotional stuff, but they would also do a few full-on things, like tie me to a chair if they thought I was being too noisy or whatever.”

“Jesus, Kyle.” Leslie covers her mouth. “Fuck.”

I nod, looking up at her. “I had a few years of hiding bruises and stuff at school. At home, they were always just screaming at each other. Both of them were abusers, and they couldn’t get control over each other. Mostly, they just took it out on me.”

Leslie shakes her head slowly. I take a deep breath, feeling every memory cutting through me like a blade through the chest.

For a minute, I can’t speak. I can hear the screaming, and the sounds of fighting. Blood splashes across my vision in my memory, and a deep groan slips out of me.

“Kyle, what happened to your parents?”

I look up at Leslie, pulling myself out of the memory.

“They killed each other. I don’t know exactly what happened. I was eight at the time. I think Dad had a baseball bat, and Mom had a knife. I—”

“Oh, God!” Leslie cries, hugging me again. “Fuck, Kyle. I’m so sorry.”

I let her hold me, soaking up that wonderful comfort that only she can give me. I’m trembling, almost sick, but in a way, I feel better than I have in a long time.

“So, I got sent to a home,” I say. “My dad, Craig, he was Derek’s brother. Derek Holt.”

“Gina’s dad,” she whispers, and I nod.

“Carla tried hard to get custody of me. I was in a special home for a while. Carla couldn’t get custody straight away. I don’t know why. I went into the foster system. I never settled down, I was just too full of rage, and I kept running away so they couldn’t put me in a hospital. I learned to live on the street.”

“Oh, Kyle,” Leslie murmurs, hugging me even tighter.

“By the time Carla finally got custody, I was almost thirteen. I couldn’t handle her love and care. I didn’t know howto accept it. Derek couldn’t stand to look at me. He’s never recovered.”

Leslie pats my back gently.

“So, I lived rough for a bit after I ran away from Carla and Derek. I came back a few years ago, ready to make amends. But even though Carla welcomed me, not many others did. I was really lucky that Bailey gave me a chance, and let me earn my place in the pack.”

Leslie pulls back, tears running down her cheeks. “You could have told me, Kyle. You could have told me some of it, at least, so I didn’t think you were abandoning me. I know it’s not easy to tell a story like this, but you shut me out. Made me feel like you didn’t love me or trust me.”

“I know!” The words burst out of me, a powerful cry of confession. “I know, and I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. It was the last thing I wanted to do.”