Besides, it doesn’t look like Gina wants to spill it all right now, anyway.

After we finish our ice cream, Lena suggests going out for cocktails. The sun is starting to go down, and even though I hit a decent amount of champagne the night before, a cocktail sounds like a great idea.

The girls take me to Shelley’s, where they introduce me to Shelley herself as well as a few key pack members. I can tell by the way everyone reacts to Gina that she is loved by everyone who knows her.

We take up a side table, and our talk turns to fashion again.

“Do you think you could make baby clothes?” Gina asks. “I would love to have some really nice things for Natalia now that she’s walking.”

“I’d love to,” I answer, finishing off my Toblerone cocktail. “I’ve never made baby clothes before, but I’m more than happy to give it a try.”

“Hmm.” Lena slurps the edge of her glass. “Another one down. I’d better hit the bar again.”

“No, please, let me.” I stand up, waving my hands a bit. “You guys have been so generous. I should get a round.”

“I want to protest, but it looks like you might fight me for it,” Gina says, laughing. “So I’ll let you step up, just this once.”

I’m blushing when I head off to the bar. Shelley sees me coming and starts mixing the cocktails. As I stand and wait for the drinks, I have a warm and fuzzy feeling that has nothing to do with the alcohol.

I’m going to fit in here. It’s all going to work out.

“Excuse me?”

“Oh, yes?” I look around and see a guy standing right next to me. Either he was as quiet as a panther or I was completely out of it.

“I was wondering if I could buy you a drink?” the guy asks. He has a nice smile and lovely brown eyes.

I smile back. “That’s okay, but thank you. I’m just here with my friends.”

“I understand,” he says, taking a step back. “I just thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask. You’re new in town?”

“Yes.” I nod, not wanting to say much because I’m not sure if he’s from the pack or just a random person from town.

He sits down at a bar stool, gesturing for me to join him. “Tell me how you ended up in this little place. Are you visiting? We get a lot of tourists.”

His intense gaze and sweet smile are having an effect on me. Even though it seems impossible, I’m pretty sure this guy is flirting with me. Even though I’m not interested, I am very flattered.

“No, I’m not a tourist. I’m, ah—”

“Married,” a stern voice cuts in from behind me. I know that tone, and the intoxicating scent that comes with it.


Chapter 7 - Kyle

After the girls leave, I waste a bit of time feeling sorry for myself before I decide to go out. I’m supposed to start working with either Jack or Bailey, so I go to Jack’s warehouse to see if he has any work for me.

I spend a couple of hours unloading trucks before Jack sends me home. He promises me that he or Bailey will soon find me a regular job with good pay so I can support my new family.

I don’t say anything to Jack, but I know it can’t be easy to get a guy like me a decent job. I’m trying as hard as I can to make up for my past and prove I’m worthy of the pack, but I know it will take time for them to trust me.

Bailey and Jack do, at least, and that goes a long way.

As I pull into the driveway, I let out a sigh that is so deep, it leaves my ribs aching. Carla believes in me, too, and having the support of the whole family should be enough.

Except for Derek.

I get out of the truck and give the door a nice, hard slam. I don’t want to think about my uncle.