He lifted my hand.
When he kissed my knuckles all rational brain activity halted. “You can’t. We can’t,” I mumbled when I got my voice back.
“That check.” His eyes shifted to the table for a second and then held my eyes like a supermagnet. “Gives you the freedom to say no. You keep it regardless. I’ve given you all the power now, Brooklyn. What do you say? Be my girl? And, not just for the week.”
This was happening to quickly to process. And, the direction was not at all what I’d expected. His father had made it clear I’d be responsible for ruining his life if we continued this. “But…” Words wouldn’t come.
Evan kept his eyes on me. “I’m waiting for an answer, Brooklyn.”
I cleared my throat. “Your Dad—”
“Dad is my worry, not yours. As for us…” He checked down the aisle and lowered his voice. “Maybe I’m not being clear. I want to remove the word fake from our relationship.”
My mouth hit the floor as the possibilities played in my head. His words went to my core and started an inferno. “Honestly?” I’d played out scenarios in my head after our almost kiss, but dismissed them all as impossible fairy tales.
“Scouts honor. I’ve wanted you for a long time.”
“You didn’t say anything,” I countered.
“On day one I promised to behave myself, and that’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Now it’s your turn to give me some of that Brooklyn honesty. What do you want Allie?”
I glanced at the supply closet door. He’d laid himself bare and if he wanted honesty, that was what he’d get. I added the best smirk I could manage. “I want to rip the buttons off your shirt right now and go in there.”
He looked over at the closet door as well. “I’m not fucking you for the first time in a supply closet.”
I hadthe pizza to go in one hand and Alexa in the other as we speed-walked back toward my building. It was a short walk, and at the same time too long. Every glance at those luscious lips of hers made me wonder how they’d taste, how they’d feel wrapped around my dick. That particular thought did nothing to quell my raging hard on.
“Slow down,” she begged.
“After waiting this long,” I licked my lips. “And the way you look… I'm afraid slow is not how we’re going to start.”
Her cheeks went bright red. “Right back at ya big boy.”
Becca raised an eyebrow as we entered the lobby.
“Hi. Bye,” Alexis said as we passed by the desk.
I pressed the elevator call button and with one arm on either side of her caged Alexa against the wall waiting for the doors to open.
Her Gaze started at my eyes and traveled to my lips.
Just as I moved in for a kiss, the elevator doors opened. I fumbled the first attempt to get my keycard out, but eventually I managed to get the car moving. “Now where were we,” I said is a positioned Alexa against the wall again.
“This seems familiar,” she purred. Her hands moved to my waist.
“I wanted to kiss you so bad, ever since our first dinner.”
Her eyes widened, and her tongue darted out to lick her lips.
I was lost in her eyes thinking back to that first night.
She grabbed my shirt, pulled me closer got up on her tiptoes and kissed me.
Her lips were as soft as I imagined they'd be as they pressed against mine for a few seconds before I cupped her face and kissed her back.