Page 115 of Devil in a Tux

She picked up the folders and stood. “Right away. Would you like me to join you?”

“Sorry. Not today.”

This was a fucking mess and I had thinking to do.


At the endof the day, I’d concluded that my family had to be my most important consideration. As despicable as this allegation against Martin was, addressing the issue before the board meeting would look like an attack on the Graff family. It would for sure instigate a fight with Martin’s dad that my father couldn’t afford right now.

The hardest part was that it was all my fault. I’d gotten drunk off my ass with that fucking mezcal, swallowed that fucking worm, and frolicked in the fucking fountain with that redhead. I fucked up big-time.

For the family’s sake, for my father’s sake, dealing with Martin would have to wait.



ALEXA: Coming over. Don’t go anywhere. I’m bringing food.

Her message was curious,and a bit exciting. It was demanding, which was new, and although I’d offered, Alexa hadn’t been to my office since our first meeting.

Without a clue about how long I had, until she’d arrive, I set out to straight up my normally messy desk. I worked best visually, distributing things about the space of my desktop and small meeting table.

“Did you lose something?” Diane asked from the door.

“I never lose anything.” I looked up. “Alexa’s bringing lunch.” The lunch part was a guess.

“Stop that. You’re not a neatnick.”

I ignored her and moved to the next pile of papers. “I need you to make sure she can get through security downstairs without a hassle.”

“You don’t need to impress her. She wants you, not some fake neat organized version of you.”

‘Wants me’ had a very nice ring to it.

“Besides,” she continued. “Since she lives with you, she already knows you operate like this.” She swept her arm around the room.

I stopped and straightened. “Now you’re a relationship advisor?”

“Don’t you pay me to read people? Plus, I’m a woman. I wouldn’t want a guy to be inauthentic to try to impress me if I was into men in the first place that is.”

“Don’t you have somebody downstairs to call?”

“Already taken care of.”

“When? I just mentioned it.”

“Just after she left here that first day. It was obvious you were into her and wanted her to come back, so I gave security her name and picture.”

I shook my head. She’d surprised me once again. “You’re amazing.”

“Just remember that when it’s time for my raise.”

An hour passed before the door opened, and there she was, my girl. “We don’t want to be disturbed while we eat,” she said to Diane, holding up a deli bag.

“You got it,” Diane said with a lilt in her voice. “Enjoy.”

With mischief in her eyes, Alexa leaned back against the door.