Evan pulled over the first girl in line. “What's your name honey?” He held the microphone in front of her.
“My name is Nicole, and I would like to thank you all. Your donations allowed me to become a cancer survivor.”
The crowd hushed.
The next one in line was a boy. “My name is Jose, and I would like to thank you all. Your donations allowed me to become a cancer survivor.”
Evan went quickly through the group, each one saying a similar line and thanking the attendees. The special moment for me was when it was my sister Rachel’s turn to repeat the line on stage.
At the end they joined hands and said together, “Thank you. Your donations allowed us to become cancer survivors.”
Applause erupted, and when I looked around there wasn't a dry eye in the house.
“These young men and women,” Evan said. “Are the somebodies that you have helped to survive this awful disease. We all thank you.”
After the applause died down Evan added one more thing. “Tracy Dimple where are you? it's time for your dance. Let's get this party started.”
A woman with huge breasts almost spilling out of her dress found Evan and they started the dance. She looked oddly familiar.
“She’s at it again,” Rachel said.
I hadn’t noticed my sister come up behind me.
“Don’t you recognize Tracy Peacock?”
“She’s dancing with Evan.”
I kept the yell of exasperation to myself.
Tracy Peacock had stolen my boyfriend in high school and here she was bidding on the dance with my man. Her boobs had grown even bigger since then.
If I were any less of a lady I would have marched up and yanked Evan away, but this dance auction had been my idea.
Evan had his back to us and I couldn’t tell, but I would have bet that slut was rubbing herself all over Evan.
The dance ended and Evan waved to me from the far side of the dance floor.
I waved back.
“Well she didn’t get him this time,” Rachel noted.
“If she tries again, I’ll kill her.”
No Morals Tracy was already twenty feet from Evan starting a dance with another man.
His father grabbed Evan’s arm and towed him off.
Twenty minutes later, Evan was still talking with his father when Chelsea bounded over to me with her purse on her shoulder.
“I can’t believe it,” she squealed. “After that thing, Evan did with the kids dozens of people have come up to me. And…” Even though many of them had grown up, she still considered the children we helped kids.
“And what?”
She opened her purse. “We’ve taken in an extra four million tonight. I can’t believe it.”