Page 155 of Devil in a Tux

“We are going to have a frank discussion about the upcoming board meeting,” I said maintaining the posture Evan had taught me.

His eyes narrowed at my mention of the board meeting. “Diane, you may leave us.”

“She’s my witness. She stays.” I waited for Diane’s reaction. Would she stay or buckle under whatever threat Fergus came up with?

“Mr. McAllister,” she said. “I’m staying, and I think it’s best if you listen to what Alexa has to say.”

He took in a deep breath and leaned back in his chair. He checked his watch. “Five minutes. No more.”

I opened my bag. “I have evidence of a conspiracy to remove you and your son from the company.”

“A what?” He was suddenly leaning forward, forearms on his desk.

I re-established control. “Since I only have five minutes, you will have to hold your questions until after I’m done.”

I laid out what I had against Martin, including drugging Evan with the help of his girlfriend Myra Cotts, as well as the five women we knew about across the country.

Fergus became more interested as the evidence piled up.

I brought out the final piece. “Then there’s this. It’s a second sworn statement by Myra Cotts indicating she was present at the meeting to plan the fountain incident. Martin’s father, George Graff, was also present, and the chief planner. The senior Graff stated that the objective was to discredit your family and force you out of the company.”

“May I see that?” he asked.

I slid it toward him.

He moved it out of my reach. “This is no good. The signature at the bottom is cut off.”

“I have the original in its complete form,” I assured him. “I think it would be quite persuasive in removing your enemy from the board. You can have it, and the rest of this…” I tapped the pile. “…on three conditions.”

He raised his eyebrows, but said nothing.

“First, you fire Martin Graff immediately and move Evan back to his old job.”

He nodded. “I certainly wouldn’t want to keep him.”

“Second, you hire legal counsel for each of the five women in these papers so they can get equitable settlements from the Graffs.”

“That also seems fair, given what young Graff has been up to.”

Then came the hard one. “Third, you explicitly tell Evan that you approve of our relationship and you won’t disparage us as a couple. You will send us on a tropical vacation to make up for being such an ass.”

“No, it’ll never work.”

No?I couldn’t believe he would give up the company over this.

“I’ve been in your shoes,” he said, “where each set of in-laws was hated by one in the couple. Trust me, despite all the best intentions, it becomes hellish. That’s why the boy’s mother is out of our lives. I won’t allow Evan to get himself into such a situation.”

Evan and I weren’t planning marriage, not even close. Still, his reason fornosurprised me. He’d been trying to save his son some of the agony he’d endured.

“Fergus.” I held his eyes. “I admit to disliking you in the past, but now I don’t at all. In fact, after a long discussion with my uncle, Luca, I’ve decided you are a very honorable man.”

His eyebrows winged up again. “Really?”

“Yes. Very enlightening discussion. I’m going to date your son, if he’ll have me back. I’m only asking that you don’t object.”

“Hmm…” What passed for a smile grew on his lips. “How long before I can have the originals?”

I patted my bag. “Right here.”