Page 108 of Devil in a Tux


“He new all about the mating habits of the Emperor Penguin. Do you have any idea how rare that is? He’s quite the catch if you ask me. Handsome and he likes penguins, just like Sydney.” To my mind, Evan and Sydney were polar opposites, but if Rita wanted to look at the world that way who was I to object.

I fished out the small white box, laying it on the desk. The Apple logo gave it away.

“Wow. A new phone. That’s super thoughtful of him. I told you it was going to be good. Not as good as a box of money, but much more personal.”

My blood pressure spiked. I’d told him my old phone was fine.

“Well, aren’t you going to open it?”

“But I told him my old one was fine.” I gave in and pulled out the shiny new phone. A card was in the box.

It’s been set up for you and ready to use. When you’re ready we can change you current number over to this phone.

It had a phone number on it and when I turned it on, it was fully charged and already had a text message

EVAN: Be mad all you want. Your old phone was dangerous. We can argue it over ice cream.

“What’s it say?” Rita asked as she watched me smile.

I turned the phone so she could read it.

“See. Thoughtful. And, he’s right, a reliable phone is important for a girl walking around in this city.”

“But you know my rule about not owing anybody anything. I wanted to buy one with my own money.”

“And you want to punish him for being nice? When Sydney gives me roses, do I turn up my nose at them. No way, I appreciate them for the thought they convey. Girl, you need to learn how to accept a gift from time to time. Do you honestly think he’s trying to bribe you to do something you don’t want to do?”

“No, I guess not,” I admitted. Except for sex on my office desk, I hadn’t refused many things.

“I was sort of hoping for chocolates you could share, but I have to admit this is sweet.”


“Women have been thanking men for gifts in ways other than money for ages.”

“Yeah.” Heat rose in my cheeks. I hadn’t expected her to imply that I give Evan a blow job.

“Cook him a really nice dinner,” she suggested

After she left, I typed the message Evan deserved.

ME: Thank you.

EVAN: You’re welcome. I look forward to you modeling for me when you get home.

ME: I meant the phone. It was a nice thought, but I can’t accept it.

My phone rang instantly. I got the first word in. “It’s a thousand dollar phone. I can’t accept it.”

“Consider this a prop for the job,” Evan said. “Another part of the costume. You will carry it. You will put it on the table when we’re being photographed. Your piece of shit isn’t fitting for my girlfriend to carry around in public. When we’re done, you can give to a homeless person if it makes you feel better. But until then you will carry it because your’s isn’t safe.”

“Fine. I’ll carry it, but I won’t activate it. You can’t make me.”

“God, woman, you’re sexy as fuck when you argue, but it doesn’t change a thing. You’re keeping it.”

“It’s the principle of the thing. I earn my own way. I don’t owe anybody, and it’s a thousand dollar phone, not a few flowers.”