Great. My termination paperwork had finally made its way to HR. “I’m busy this afternoon.”Take that, giant bureaucracy.
“That won’t do,” she said matter-of-factly.
After another round of give and take, I agreed to come into the office. It was time to take my medicine and join the ranks of the unemployed.
On the Metro ride in, I contemplated how I would explain my termination when interviewing for the next job.
Chapter 37
Everything looked sonormal as I entered work for the last time. I would miss this place.
Instead of going upstairs to my cubicle, I made my way directly to HR and located the door with theAdriana Stebbinsnameplate.
The lady inside looked over her glasses at me. “Can I help you?”
“I’m Kelly Benson.”
She rose from her chair. “That was quick.”
I’d said I would leave right away, and I had. Perhaps that surprised her. Maybe she was used to people who didn’t follow through.
She passed by me, making a beeline for the elevator bank I’d just left. “Let’s get you upstairs.”
I followed, hoping we weren’t headed to the roof for a jumping-off ceremony.
Inside the elevator, I checked for a button labeledroof. There wasn’t one.
She pressed the button for the top floor. “Mr. Krause will be so glad to see you.
“Glad?” I had to have heard her wrong.
“Yes, after what you did.”
The door opened, and I followed her, even more confused than before.
Krause’s office was in the corner, and he stood when we appeared in his doorway. “Come in, Miss Benson. Kelly, isn’t it?”
I nodded and entered on weak legs. “That’s right.”
He thanked my escort.
She closed the door and left.
I took the seat closest to the desk, the better to hide the nervous jitter of my legs.
“We have two things to discuss today,” he started. This was the way he started his Monday meetings, laying out an agenda. “I got a call from the FBI this morning.” He sipped from his coffee cup, leaving me hanging.
I didn’t offer any words to bridge the silence. Concentrating on stilling my leg didn’t help.
“I was told you were instrumental in retrieving the lost items from the Hollywood movie jewelry exhibit.”
A smile grew on my face. That could only have come from Adam. The nervous tick of my leg silenced itself.
“On behalf of the Institute, I want to thank you.”
“Does this mean I’m no longer on suspension?”