“Protecting you,” Tiger said. “You are my mate.”

Carly looked wildly from Tiger to Connor and back again. “Protecting me from what? And what are you doing out of bed? Weren’t you supposed to rest, take your meds, and get better?”

“I am better.” Tiger slid his shirt up his stomach to reveal his abdomen—the skin whole and unbroken, with only round pink scars to show where the bullets had gone in. The rest of his abdomen was as hard, flat, tanned, and well-muscled as the rest of him. The man must work out three times a day.

Carly stared in surprise. “How in the hell . . . ?”

“I heal fast. Andrea helped. So did the touch of my mate.”

“Andrea? Who’s Andrea?”

Connor answered from the floor, sleepy but alert. “Sean’s mate. She’s half Fae. Has healing magic.”

“Oh. Right.”

Tiger lowered his shirt. “I protect you from the man who waits outside for you.”

“What man?” Carly went for the window, but suddenly Tiger was there next to her, holding her back.

“Wait.” Tiger snapped off the lamp, rendering the room dark again.

How he’d gotten off the couch so fast, Carly didn’t know, but he led her to the dark back window, stopping her a few feet from it, and gestured outside.

Carly saw absolutely nothing. No sinister figure waiting in the dark, no figure at all. “Where?”

“He hides well. Connor saw him and called me.”

“I think it’s that Walker guy,” Connor said. He rose from the floor in one sinuous motion, gaining his feet without making any noise. “Or one of his squad.”

“Why?” Carly glanced out the window again, but she still couldn’t see Walker or anyone else. “You have to be dreaming this.”

“He’s there,” Tiger said. “Between the shadow of the fence and the tree. He’s chosen a good place. He can look in here but not be seen. At least, not by a human.”

“Shifters can see in the dark,” Connor said. “Especially Felines. Trust me, he’s there. I called Liam, and Tiger came.”

“Why on earth should Walker be watching my house?”

Carly looked once more where Tiger indicated, but she still couldn’t see anything . . . No, there. Something moved.

The glint vanished as quickly as it had appeared, whoever was out there disappearing into the shadows again.

“They want to know how much you have to do with Shifters,” Connor said. “Brennan asked you to spy on us, right?”

“For his research project or whatever. He’s an anthropologist.”

“Sure,” Connor said. “All I heard from him was he wanted you to get to know us and report to him. He can dress it up, but that sounds like spying to me. He wants Shifter secrets.”

“Shifters have secrets?”

Connor raised his hands and looked innocent. “Do we? I don’t know what you’re talking about. We’re sweet and innocent. Honest.”

“You’re full of shit,” Carly said, wanting to laugh.

“So’s Brennan. He’s tried to get himself into Shiftertown before. Slimy bastard, he is.”

“He creeped me out a little too,” Carly said. “But why does Walker need to spy on me? I don’t know any Shifter secrets. I keep telling everyone, I’d never met any Shifters until today. I mean yesterday.”

“We will ask him,” Tiger said. He started for the kitchen in that fluid, silent way he moved.

Carly ran after him and seized him by the arm. “Wait, wait. What are you doing?”

Connor was across the room to them, his eyes wide as he took in Carly and Tiger. But he was alarmed more, Carly thought, because she’d grabbed hold of Tiger. Body language again. Connor was trying to protect her, but right now, not from the guy outside.

Tiger did nothing but look down at Carly with his golden eyes that no longer held outrageous pain. He’d returned to the quiet watchfulness he’d exhibited when he’d helped her fix the car on the side of the road.

“The best way to find out what he wants is to ask him,” Tiger said, patience in his voice.

“But he has a gun . . .” Carly sighed and released him. “And you’ve already proven those don’t slow you down, not for long anyway.”

“He might have a tranq,” Connor pointed out. “Or two.”

“He does not have a tranquilizer, only a pistol,” Tiger said.

Connor blinked. “And you know that how?”

“Sight and scent.” Tiger spoke in clipped tones, like a soldier readying himself to confront his enemy. “Protect Carly while I find him.”

Connor sighed, resigned. “You’re the super Shifter. Be careful, all right? I don’t want to have to explain to Liam why I lost you.”

Tiger answered by fading down the hall toward Carly’s bedroom. Carly followed, not nearly as silently, her bare feet pattering on the floor.

Tiger ignored Carly’s bed and her clothes, which had been neatly folded over a chair—by Yvette, probably—and noiselessly pulled up the blinds on her window. Then he started taking off his clothes.

Tiger stripped all the way down, getting out of his clothes as smoothly and quietly as he did everything else. He was nicely proportional, strength showing in the sculpted muscles of his shoulders, the flat planes of his chest, the firm length of his back.

He had a great ass too, as tight and good as the rest of him. Carly had seen at the hospital what hung between his legs in front, but even so, looking at it again made her mouth a little dry. “Maybe I’m still drunk,” she said. “But Tiger . . . Oh my God, you are hot.”