“That’s all right. I’ll just ask?—”
“I’ve been assigned.” He gave me a crazed grin.
Morgan put him up to it. She’d assigned everyone’s tasks in advance.
“That won’t be a problem, will it?” he asked.
“Of course not,” I said, not meaning it at all.
Chester ushered me toward the exit. I went along with him, very much wishing it was Esme who was going with me.
A car was waiting for us when we reached the surface, so we climbed into the back, side by side. Chester listed off an address for the restaurant. The whole drive, I could feel him staring at me.
I stared out the window.
He bumped his knee into mine.
I pulled away.
“I hope there are no hard feelings,” he said.
“For Jules’s and my entanglement.”
“Not at all.”
“She’s a wildebeest in the sack.”
“Mmm,” I said, wishing I could be anywhere else.
“She said you were good with it.”
“I am.”
“You don’t seem good.”
“I’m great.”
“Then why won’t you look at me?”
I forced myself to turn toward him, with a forced smile on my face.
He said, “You’re not great.”
I sighed. “You don’t know me.”
“Sure I do. You’re one of those hide-your-feelings guys. You’re just stealthier about it than people like your brother.”
“I’m not hiding anything.” Well, that was a lie.
“You’re uncomfortable being here with me. You were uncomfortable with Jules and me fornicating. And you?—”
“Let’s enjoy a little silence before we get back to the festivities.”
“You hide behind a smile instead of a scowl, but it’s the same.”
“You want me to say I’m uncomfortable with you brushing your leg against me in the car?”