I nodded because although I felt the same, I couldn’t say it. If I spoke, with all these warm feelings between us, I might cry. And I didn’t want to test how waterproof my mascara really was, especially not before we even reached the venue.

So I busied myself grabbing my pale blue shawl for something to wear when it got chilly at the beach afterparty.

As I pulled it out of my closet, Jasper stepped out of the bathroom.

And stole my freaking breath away.

Some people were meant to wear certain types of clothing. I’d always thought Jasper was a linen shirt and shorts type of guy. Like maybe if he wore something else, he’d look so out of place it would hurt my eyes, or maybe the moon would explode.

But the sight before me was perception-imploding.

The jacket highlighted the broadness of his shoulders and the strength of his arms. The pants covered the strong calves I was used to seeing, and somehow that too made him more alluring.

How could more clothes be hotter?

He wore his hair tied back at the nape of his neck, showing off the full shape of his chiseled jaw. And he’d shaved, which I didn’t think could be sexier than his scratchy scruff, but somehow it was.

He looked like sex on a stick, and saliva pooled in my mouth as I imagined licking him.

“Ready to go?” Gabe asked both of us.

“All set,” Jasper said, casting me a small, secret smile.

This smile said he noticed me noticing how hot he was when he cleaned himself up. It said we’d sneak away later. It said the weirdness from last night was over and everything was back to the way it was supposed to be.

I just stared, not smiling back, not saying anything.

“Esme?” Gabe tilted his chin and looked at me.

“Yep, raring to go. Let’s get you married.” I smiled widely at my brother and did not look at Jasper again while we waited for our car to arrive, or when we loaded it up, and still not on the drive to the cliffs. Quiet, comfortable anticipation filled the time.

When we reached the cliffs and piled out, that anticipation only grew.

Gabe was really getting married. Today.

Salty air rushed up from the sea. The sky cast a gorgeous glow of evening light over Gabe and Jasper. Layana was missing this perfect moment and every one like it.

Juno was recording everything for her on the bride’s side. There was no Juno on the groom’s side.

“Don’t move.” I pulled my phone from my pocket and held out the camera so the three of us made it into the shot, and I snapped it. “We need evidence of our pre-wedding day.”

Gabe crinkled his brow.

“Trust me,” I said. “Layana’s going to want it.”

“But we’re about to go down to the cavern,” he said. “Our pre-wedding day is over.”

“I took some when we were collecting shells,” Jasper said.

I snapped my gaze to his warm emerald irises. “I didn’t see you do that.”

“They aren’t candid if you notice the camera,” Jasper said. “Juno is definitely taking shots of the bride and her friends.”

“Thank you,” Gabriel said, “both of you.”

I offered a fist to Jasper. “Go team Gabe.”

He gave me a little bump.