His lips masterfully commanded mine, sending tendrils of anticipation down my limbs. My nipples perked to alert, gently brushing against his bare chest with only the thin fabric of my bikini top between us.
Fireworks went off in my lips, my fingertips, my toes. I could feel the explosive heat all the way in the ends of my hair.
What was this weird alternate reality bubble we floated in? It should have been the easiest thing in the world to shove Jasper away. But I was a ragged mess. And he felt good. I couldn’t help but cling to a lifeline in the hurricane my life had become these past few days.
It didn’t have to make sense. It didn’t have to mean anything.
I wanted more. I wanted his touch as rough as his kiss. I wanted him to forget that I was Bramble, the little girl who rushed headfirst into the sticker bushes just to prove she could.
He traced my jaw with his thumbs and slowly lowered his palms down my neck. My skin burned everywhere he touched, maybe because together we’d always been a volcano, biding our time before we inevitably erupted and destroyed everything in our path.
But I couldn’t seem to make myself care. I needed this, whatever it was that we were doing. It was a distraction, a wildfire, a natural disaster, and I couldn’t help but run headfirst into the flames.
His tongue breached my lips, claiming me more deeply.
I’d never been more turned on or more lost. I felt like a different person, a desperate husk without even a thread of self-control left. I grabbed onto his shoulders and wrapped my legs around his waist, pressing my hot core against his rock-hard abs.
A few slips of fabric and we’d be naked.
A few thrusts and I’d explode.
An excited shriek ripped through the air, penetrating our tiny bubble of insanity. Half a beat passed where we clung to each other without moving, without breathing.
Then realizing exactly what a horrible mistake he’d made, Jasper retreated, stealing his mouth away from mine just as quickly as he’d lent it.
My body was fire, my insides pools of molten desire. I could still feel the branding sear of his kiss, even though it was clearly over.
My brain turned to ice—cold, numb, confused.
Jasper’s lips were red. His emerald eyes clouded with regret. He drew his brows together.
This was bad. This was really, really bad.
The noise wasn’t even from nearby. Whoever had shrieked had been well out of sight. It didn’t matter. There was no going back.
I shoved Jasper’s stupid tattooed chest and hissed. “Youkissedme.”
“You kissed me back.”
“I did not.” My voice was quickly rising, panic taking over as the predominant sense. Fight or flight had always been an easy choice for me—fight, every single time.
How dare he pretend this had been as much my fault as his.
“That might be a little more convincing if you weren’t still clinging to me, Bramble.”
“I’m not….”
He looked down. I looked down between us, where my hormone-wracked, betraying hips were currently grinding against his abs. Ohmygoodness, I was not going to survive this week.
It was the pregnancy’s fault. I was going to get myself double pregnant by humping the nearest dick until it happened.
And why did the nearest dick have to behis?Why couldn’t it have been anyone else’s? Why not some random tourist I’d never have to see again instead of my brother’s best friend?
He was Jasper. Worse, he was Jasper with a freaking date staying with him in his bed. Whatever wishy-washy excuse he wanted to make for his actions, I wouldn't be the kind of woman who went along with it. And, this could not be overstated—he was Jasper.
And I was pregnant.