“That’s why I’m making it into a turtle sanctuary.”

Her eyes went wide.“What?”

“They need more protection. I heard from a reliable source that people try to pick the turtles up and accidentally trample the eggs. Education for tourists could go a long way. A sanctuary could also provide better protections than volunteers currently can alone.”

“You didn’t.” She chewed her lip and looked at me like she couldn’t believe it.

“What do you say—want to save some turtles, raise a kid, and make a lifetime of new memories together?”

“I see how you grouped all of those make it seem like if I want one, I need to take them all.”

I grinned at her. “I love you, Bramble. I always have.”

“Yes,” she said. “I love you, too. And my answer is yes.”



Five months later

Esme twirled behind the bar, snatching a tiny umbrella from a box.

“Whoa.” She paused and put a hand to her belly.

I popped up from my seat. “What is it? Is something wrong?”

“I think Pecan’s going to be a ballerina. Come here, feel.”

I hurried around the bar to her. She put my hand to her round belly just in time for me to feel a turn and a kick. It was the best feeling in the world being able to touch both of them, even though Pecan hadn’t arrived yet.

I was still terrified I’d screw up, but the closer to the big day we came, the calmer I felt. If anyone could figure out how to tackle a new challenge as a team, it was us, if the turtle center was any indication. The monkey and parrot duo got their own little tower to stay in at the center, too.

“Not a ballerina,” I said. “A gymnast. No, wait…a parkourist.”

She chuckled. “That’s not a word.”

“Sure it is, someone who is a master of parkour, the ancient art of urban climbing. Like a mountain climber, only cooler.”

“Okay, parkourist, pro skateboarder, and home restorer.”

“That’s a lot for one person to master,” I said.

“She’ll be able to do everything. But we won’t push her into doing any of it. She’ll choose her own path, and we’ll support her in it.”

“Of course. We’ll encourage her to follow her dreams, even if that dream is an office job.”

“What? No. Eww. She won’t like that.”

I raised a brow.

She sighed. “If she does, we’ll support her.”

I slid my hand down the swell of her belly. Her eyes darted back and forth before she smiled, pulled me outside by the collar, and kissed me like no one else had ever kissed me. She kissed me like she loved me forever.