Page 46 of The Masks She Wore

?My heart was racing as I searched those black screens over his eyes. I hated that I couldn’t see them. “Three,” I answered, trying to calm myself. “Scandinavian, Swedish, and Russian.”


?“Because that’s what my nanny decided to teach me.”

?“She didn’t give you a reason? You didn’t question them?”

?“I was a kid,” I snapped. “I did what I was told without question.”

?“Precious little Princess—”

?“Stop calling me that,” I ordered.

?“—raised by a nanny, taught a world of information, went to private school, never wanted for anything except the love of a mother she barely knew.”

?My breath caught, a stone forming in my chest. “How do you know that?”

?“I know a lot of things,” he bragged. “Yet still not enough.” His chin dipped a little, telling me he was taking me in again. “What I don’t know is why the captain’s wife slapped you. Have you been fucking someone behind my back?”

?“Behind your…” I released a breath. “Wejustmet.”

?“And yet it hurts no less. You barely leave the house, Rae, when do you have time to fuck a Police Captain?”

?“I don’t fuck him,” I hissed, my heart slamming. “And I don’t owe you any explanation. You’ve been following me,” I said, shaking my head.

?“Ding ding ding,” he hummed, pulling me close. “We have a winner.”

?Whatthe fuck.

?He pushed me out, spun me around and pulled me against him, my back to his front, his breath disrupting my hair.

?I swallowed, my heart racing. Why was he followingme? My eyes widened. Was he truly the man who killed my mom? But why toy with me if that was the case? Why kill my mom? What was the game? And what about his boss? Did that man know who I was when he gave me another week of life? What now? What could I possibly do now?

?“What’s your name?” I asked him, my voice a bare whisper as the fear trickled down my spine and pooled between my thighs.

?“Why?” he asked, his voice a low growl. “So you can scream it in the depths of the night when you’re fucking yourself to the image of me?”

?My mouth had gone dry, my mind blank. “Is that how you use my name?” I dared, remembering the way he had said it last night when he was fucking me in that tent.

?He laughed, the sound falling through me, that slickness between my thighs only growing. He shoved me away, spun me around, and jerked me back towards him so fast, my head spun.

?I only stopped when my body pressed into his, my chest heaving, the feeling of his hard cock evident against my hips, our lips so close, I could taste them.

?“Yes,” he said.

?My eyes fell shut, unable to remain open this close to him. I was clinging to him, my knees weak as I fought the urge to grind my hips into his. Shit. My thoughts were raging, and none of them were rational.

?What was wrong with me?

?What was wrong with him?

?“Are you doing it?” he asked, his hot breath sliding through my parted lips. “Picturing me fucking you,” he went on. “Can you still feel how deep I was inside your pretty little cunt?”

?And the way he said those nasty words against my lips had my eyes opening back up, finding his. “Yes,” I said, my body floating. I pressed my hips into his, unable to help myself. “Can you?”

?He was very nearly panting, his hands digging into my hip, into my hand. “If you want me,” he began, his voice a cracked plea, “prove it.”

?He stepped away from me, leaving me dizzy and stumbling.