?Rae placed the cup down and flicked her hands, turning back towards the bartender to order another.
?Zo walked away, brushing off her now wet dress. “Averted,” she mumbled, still acting like the nervous, embarrassed woman that caused an elite to spill her drink.
?“Did you see them?” I asked, watching Rae unblinkingly.
?“Masks, J. I saw a white mask. I’ll watch her while you have your meeting. Nikita is coming up the stairs now.”
?It was a struggle. I didn’t want to take my eyes off her, but I had no choice, this was my job.
?With a slight snarl, I stepped away from the railing and straightened my jacket as Malachi turned towards the stairs to greet our client.
?It was more of a struggle than I wanted to admit not looking back towards the room, so I removed myself, walking over to the far wall, preventing my own wandering eyes. This was my job first. I trusted Zo with my life, with the lives of my brothers, yet this felt different somehow and that wasn’t something I was necessarily used too.
?Malachi greeted Nikita like an old friend after putting on a mask of his own. They chatted about their lives in Nikita’s native language; Russian. I knew it flawlessly, we all did, but the people here didn’t.Flaunting their money and education, not many of them actually learned more than the American Language. They didn’t need to. They had people for that, people for everything. So, discussing business dealings here was safe enough.
?“Coming your way.”
?This worked out in my favor after all.
?My eyes flicked to the stairs, only one leading up or down, to find Rae walking up, her fingers delicately tracing the railing, her eyes still focused on the people below, unaware that she could have just died minutes ago.
?She was so transfixed on the crowd below, she didn’t even spare us a glance as she reached the top of the stairs and walked over, stopping directly in front of me. She leaned over, resting her forearms on the railing, sticking out that perky little ass as her gaze fell below her.
?My cock throbbed, remembering how good it had felt inside of her.Fuck me.
?I glanced over, nodding at the three other men we had brought just in case something went wrong. I glanced towards the stairs and turned back to Rae.
?Two of those three men made their way to the top of the stairs, started up a causal conversation about nothing just to block the stairs from anyone else coming up.
?Nobody was coming near her again.
?The balcony truly wasn’t that large. A handful of people could fit up here. I was standing against the far wall and only stood yards from Rae. I was two good strides away from her. Two good strides and I could fuck her in front of everyone, claiming her as my own.
?It’d be easy enough. That slit proved that she wasn’t wearing underwear. All I had to do was brush her dress to the side, wrap my arms around her waist, and pray that she had enough self-restraint not to moan too loud, although I wouldn’t be mad if she did.
?She straightened, taking a sip of her now clean drink. I was angry with her that she had been so observant yet so oblivious at the same time.
?Nikita and Malachi’s conversation shifted to the real topic at hand. He was friends with the Raine’s, who had spent a few months in Russia several years ago. He had children, four boys, who he wanted to insert into the program, so he was trying to prove himself useful by warning us of an incoming shipment of fentanyl tainted cocaine.
?Although we didn’t do much in the drug world, we were a part of it, if not to just keep it controlled. No children, no pregnant women, no tainted product. We couldn’t rid the world of drugs, but we could at least do our part in keeping it as safe as possible.
?Everett, Greyson, and I had actually had long discussions on whether or not we’d stay in the drug game once we took over. We had yet to come to an outright decision. It was a lose-lose game. Nomatter what, people would die, innocents would get their hands on it, there was no stopping that. The product could be as clean as a nun’s pussy and people would still die.
?We were at a stalemate.
?Rae’s shoulders tensed suddenly, my eyes flicking to the way her back curved. She had done such a good job in covering up all of the bruises I left on that body of hers. Too good of a job. I wanted those marks so dark, she could never hide them.
?I’d give her a reason to stay inside.
?She angled her head ever so slightly as if she were listening in on the conversation.
?I fought the urge to roll my eyes. It was cute the way she acted as if she could understand what they were saying.“You watch too much crime shows, Princess.”
?She turned back to the room and finished her drink before setting the glass down on the railing and relaxing her shoulders as if she were preparing to step in.
?I angled my chin, my eyes narrowing, curiosity rising. Maybe she wanted to ask what they were talking about. Maybe she had seen something far below that caught her attention.
?Or perhaps she just liked the way they were speaking. Many people loved listening to people speak in other languages. Not because they understood it, but because of the romance of it, the cadence.“I’ll speak Russian to you all you want, baby. Russian, French,Latin. I’ll speak such pretty words that you’ll melt at my feet and beg me to fuck those pretty pouty lips of yours.”