Page 13 of The Masks She Wore

?Although Rae only had one account, and while she did post a few pictures of herself from time to time, mostly it was aesthetic shots. Coffee, the city, animals, plants.

?“Here’s your coffee,” the barista said.

?I took the cup from her, giving her a nod and nothing else.

?“Um, I get off at 2,” she told me.

?I thought she had walked away. “Not interested,” I told her without looking up.

?Rae finally went to her normal feed and scrolled through, hearting certain things, telling me exactly what she liked looking at. It was dark. Questionable. Something I expected from Zo or Poppy, but not from a woman who looked like her. She had an entirely secret life she didn’t share with the world, and that’s the life I wanted to know more about.

?She flicked up, pulling up her other windows and clicking on one that had my brows lifting in shock.

?Were those…

?I shivered, having to adjust my cock as I watched her slowly scroll through the options of dildos and vibrators that looked like they had come right out of a horror movie.

?“Fuck,” I mumbled, my cock twitching in hunger. If that’s what she wanted, I’d gladly shove an alien dildo up her tight little ass, feel her squirm and writhe under me as I pinned her down and workedit in and out slowly.

?Her moans would fill the room as she jutted her ass back, wanting it deeper, the device covered in lube, her face twisting in pure, unadulterated lust.

?My eyes lifted as I slid my hand over my throbbing cock, pulling on it while spreading my legs out, trying to relieve the pressure.

?She bit her lip, chewing on the very tip of her deep red painted acrylic nails. She had just gotten them three days ago, and while the color wasn’t my favorite on her, they still looked good.

?Her thumb fell to the screen and my eyes fell to mine, watching as she selected a specific vibrating tentacle shaped dildo.

?I felt my chest tighten as I watched my screen move. She was reading through the description, taking into consideration, I assumed, the way it moved, how fast it went.

?My phone started buzzing just as she hit ‘add to cart’.

?I snarled, watching Malachi’s name flash across my screen. “Fuck,” I muttered and hit answer. “What?” I bit.

?“Is it done?”

?My eyes narrowed as they lifted back to her. “You told me to take as long as I needed, so I’m taking my time.” She was tempting me in ways she shouldn’t have been. The one assignment I told myself not to touch the target and here I was, considering personally delivering that specific little toy right into her cunt myself. I wanted to watch her writhe against it, squirm, whimper, begging me for more—

?“You’re fucking her.”

?I lifted my cup, taking a slow drink. “I’m playing a game.” Why did he care? He never cared about us fucking our targets. If he did, he never mentioned it.

?Something shuffled in the background. “Fine, so long as she’s dead at the end of it. I have another job for you.”

?“Send me the details.” I hung up and pulled out my laptop. I opened up the tabs I had on her, going over what I had found.

?Rae Bennett, born to Marla Bennett, no father on record. Newly 26, raised by a nanny who went by Donna Oswald. Donna took care of her while Marla traveled the world, buying and selling art.

?Rae went to a private school. She never wanted for anything, although she had a lonely life, which shocked me. I have seen the way she acted around strangers, how kind and open she was. It was surprising that her only friend in life now was Viv.

?I glanced back to my phone, seeing the confirmation of her order before she switched back to Instagram.

?Why only one friend?

?I turned back to my screen. The cops found nothing to lead them in any direction towards her mother’s murderer. A week later, Donna left, which seemed appropriate given her age. Donna was probably only around to aid in Rae’s loneliness. Paid for friends. When the money stopped, why would the nanny stick around?

?She was quickly clearedby the police.

?The memorial was interesting though. Nobody had showed up according to the Funeral Director. No family or friends. Just the preacher and a man by the name of Max Justice.