?He looked apathetic as he nodded and left, Zo following after him, shutting the door behind her.
?I looked down, Rae’s eyes finding mine, tears filled them, but hatred did too. “You don’t disrespect me in front of my family,” I snarled and shoved her head down again, groaning when my cock hit the back of her throat. “Now be a good girl and finish me off, Princess,” I ordered, spreading my legs a little more.
?She gagged, her hand tightening around my cock, pulling a groan from my lips.
?I let my head fall back, my eyes fall shut, as I drowned in the feeling, the sound, of her sucking me off. Fuck, she felt so good. Her teeth teasing me, her tongue caressing me, the suction, the grip.
?I wasn’t embarrassed to admit that it took no time at all to find my end at the back of her throat.
?She sucked me clean before finally leaning back on her heels and looking up at me through her tear-stained lashes, refusing to wipe the drool from her chin as she licked her lips, that anger still there.
?I took her chin between my thumb and finger, gazing down at the beautiful mess she was. “Such a good little Princess, hmm?”
?She frowned and pulled herself out of my grip. She crawled out from under the table and stood, straightening her sweater. “I need a new phone,” she said bitterly, heading for the kitchen.
?“Don’t make me ask, Rae,” I stated, shoving myself away.
?She washed her face, grabbed a mug and filled it a quarter way with creamer before pouring herself some coffee. She didn’t speak until she turned around, her eyes cold. “You said the answers were in my nightmares, I remember that, but the thing is, I can’t remember them, Jack. I’ve never been able to remember them. I can’t remember my nightmares, I have no pictures on my phone before the night my mom supposedly died, Viv probably drugged me, the Captain was shady, Max has been fucking around this whole time, Donna is gone, my name isn’t my name, and everything I know is most likely a lie, but I don’t know why, what, or how.
?“I’m fucking angry, Jack. I’m angry at everyone and everything, and I have always prided myself in not being bitter. In taking what life throws at me and just moving on because truly, nobody is ever in control of anything, but what thefuck,” she went on, gesturing to her phone. “I’m not real. That’s what everyone is saying, right? I’m not real. Everything about me is a fucking lie.Peoplethat I don’t even know or have faces for have been in control of my life for God knows how long, and I don’t fucking understand why I can remember this whole fucking life of mine, but also know that none of it is real. I’m angry. I’m allowed to be angry.”
?I watched her carefully. She was allowed to be angry, she just wasn’t allowed to take it out on me.
?“And now I find out that Malachi is out there searching for my father? Why was that something that was held from me?”
?I stood. “Because you don’t need to know it. You don’t need to know anything.”
?“It’s my fucking life,” she snapped. “It’smylife!”
?I shrugged. “It’s my assignment. I’ll tell you what you need to know when I think it’s necessary for you to know it, for now, let’s go buy you a new phone. You need to change. We’re not making any more stops before we start training.”
?She glared at me. “Why do you want me to learn how to fight? I’m not going to magically turn into a psychopath like you.”
?“I don’t need you to be a psychopath, Princess, I need you to be able to fight back if we’re gone.” I grabbed my jacket. “We can’t watch you every second of every day. You have potential, I’m going to force it to grow.”
?She laughed. “Because I killed a man in my drugged up, on the verge of death state of mind I was in?”
?“Yes,” I answered, turning to her. “Go change. Something breathable.”
?She glared death at me as she straightened and set her coffee down. “Fine but fuck you.”
?My lip curled. “You will. Over and over and over again, and you’ll do it even when I push you to the brink of death during training.”
?She rolled her eyes as if I were joking. If only she knew how far I wouldpush her. Maybe it wasn’t the Program, but it didn’t need to be. I had lived through it, lived my life in this darkness, it wouldn’t be too hard to mimic it for her. I wouldn’t shatter her, but I’d make her wish she were dead.
November 27th, 2019
Iwas sore, but something told me Jack had been going easy on me knowing that I—wehad this party to go to tonight. Even at the thought, I grew a little irritated. He was trying to be nice, and while I was grateful for it, another part of me resented him for it.
?Maybe I wasn’t in the best physical shape, but I felt like I had something to prove. I could take anything he threw at me. I was sure of it.
?I suppose it didn’t matter. After tonight, I was sure he would up the training, which I would be forever grateful for. Anything to distract me from my own life blowing up.
?He got himself an invite too, probably knowing someone somewhere, high up in the Mayoral office. I was starting to learn quickly that they knew everyone. And by everyone, I literally meaneveryone.Malachi and his little shadows, as Jack had begrudgingly called himself a couple of nights ago during training, had been everywhere, done everything. There was no way to live a life like that without knowing people, creating enemies, gaining unwilling allies.