?My brows furrowed and I waved my hand in front of her face, snapping my fingers. She flinched back so violently that she ripped her hands out of my grip and curled in on herself. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,it won’t happen again, I swear. It won’t happen again. I’ll be good. I’ll be good.”
?Over and over again, she said those words.
?“I’ll be good.”
?I straightened. “Get the sedatives.”
?Zo walked over to the table, digging through my bag.
?I sat down a foot or so away from her, studying her. “Rae?”
?“I’m Rae, yes, I’m Rae. Rae Bennett. My favorite color is red, I like apples. I like posting on social media, but I have to hide it from Max. Always hide it from Max. I like diamonds and coffee and I hate swimming. I’ll be good. I remember. I’ll be good.”
?“What the fuck,” Zo breathed out. “I’ve never seen anything like this. What’s wrong with her?”
?I took the vile from her hand and grabbed Rae’s jaw, her wide, terrified eyes finding mine.
?“I’ll be good. I won’t break the rules anymore, I promise. I’m good,” she kept saying, her words distorted from how I squeezed her jaw.
?I nodded, my heart racing. It was an effort not to squeeze her jaw too hard. “You’re such a good girl, Princess,” I said, placing the vile to her lips. “Drink up.”
?Recognition flashed in her eyes just before she swallowed. She pulled away, her brows pulling together. “What the fuck?” she said, looking between us. Rae smacked her lips. “What did you just give me?”she hissed, her eyes falling to her arms and widening as she took in the gouges she had given herself. “What thefuck, Jack?” She lifted her arms to show me. “What did you do, you fucking asshole! I have a goddamn party to go to this weekend,” she snapped, shoving herself to a stand.
?I frowned, allowing her to get up. She had about thirty more seconds before she fainted. “What party?”
?“The Thanksgiving Party,” she snarled, turning on me, only to grab her head as the dizziness settled in. “I was invited to the Mayor’s Thanksgiving Party at the masquerade. I can’t cover this shit up with makeup, you ruined…” she swayed, closing her eyes, shaking her head. “What’s wrong with me?”
?I stood, sliding my hands into my pockets.
?Her eyes lifted back to mine, slowly fogging over, and she finally took me in. “Wait, why are you wearing your mask?”
?“I had my own party,” I answered evenly. “When were you going to tell me about this party?”
?She blinked again, her eyes getting heavy. “What is wrong with me? Did you…did you drug me?” Her legs gave out.
?I caught her before she hit the coffee table and swung her up into my arms.
?“So what are you going to do then?” Zo asked as I headed for the bedroom. “What was all that shit?”
?“Confirmation,” I answered. She had been tortured, and everything I was doing to her, the way I was pushing her mind and body, it was shattering the wallstheybuilt in her head. It was a double-edged sword, I supposed. I was giving her everything she ever wanted, but it was slowly breaking her. Would I stop?
?No. I just needed to keep an eye on her, and I would, from deep within her perfect little cunt.
I looked up from my laptop when the door opened. It was just barely 8am, so why thefuckwere Azrael, Poppy, Beckett, and Malachi walking into my girl’s place?
?I shut the laptop and leaned over the table, Zo looking up from her files, her coffee steaming. “What the fuck is this?” I asked.
?Azrael smiled. “Don’t be such a sour puss, Jack, we’ve come to take our turn with the magical cunt that grabbed you by the dick and gave you a heart.”
?Poppy rolled her eyes as Azrael slowly drifted towards Rae’s bedroom door. “Zo sent us a recording of what happened when you got back. Everett and Grey are dealing with their own shit, so this is what you get.”
?I picked up my knife from the table and threw it at Azrael’s hand as he reached for Rae’s doorknob. It sunk into his hand with a sickening crunch.
?Azrael flinched, but it was all the reaction I would get from him. He got off on pain, which annoyed all of us deeply.
?He lifted his hand and pulled it out, blood pouring from his palm. “I see that heart didn’t grow too much.” He licked the blood from the knife and smiled. “Throwing knives, dear brother?” He clicked his tongue.