?“You are everything to me, Rae,” he mumbled, my heart racing. “I will always save you, even if that means saving you from myself. The man who pulls all the strings.”
?I rocked my hips up, craving his touch, his friction. I could feel his cock graze my pussy, teasing me, and I moaned. “Jack,” I whimpered, sliding my hands over his chest.
?He leaned down, the head of his cock pressing against my entrance, adding just enough pressure to that piercing that it caused me to try and shove him deeper. He kissed me, slowly, passionately before breaking the kiss and dipping his head beside mine. He rocked his hips forward, sliding into me slowly, pulling a groan from my chest. “I love you, Rae. Every piece of you.”
?I whimpered, rocking my hips towards his, feeling his cock sink into me, my body warming at the words—
?A sharp pain erupted across my face, and I jerked, my eyes flashing open, heart racing.
?Jack was hovering above me, his eyes hard, my cheek on fire.
?I reached for it, only to find myself unable too, and when I tried to look, something sharp dug into my neck, pinching my skin.
?I winced, my eyes widening as I found his. “What the fuck?” I cracked, struggling against the restraints around my ankles, a bar, it felt like, forcing my legs apart. My knees were locked up, my arms pinned under me, numb.
?Jack angled his head as he sat back on his heels, both of us naked, my body covered in sweat, my limbs tingling, my shoulders crying out in pain.
?“I do hope that wet dream you were having was about me.”
?I stared at him for a long time before closing my eyes, trying to sort through my muddled thoughts. A dream? That was a dream? It had felt so real. I was sure it had been real—
?Another sharp pain erupted, this one on my thigh.
?I gasped, jerking against the restraints, my eyes flashing open to find him staring at me angrily. “Why do you keep hitting me?”
?“Who did you fuck in your dream?”
?“I didn’t fuck him, you asshole,” I snapped, pulling at the ropes. “You woke me up before we fucked.”
?“Was his dick inside you?” he challenged.
?I watched him evenly, anger coursing through me. “You’re jealous of some guy I had a wet dream about?”
?“You don’t have wet dreams, Rae, I’ve watched you enough times.”
?I jerked again, the pinching around my neck growing worse. “You’re fucking psychotic!”
?“Never said I wasn’t,” he replied, sliding off the bed. “You can stay there until you tell me who you fucked.”
?I snarled, watching him head for the door. “He was bigger than you!” I shouted just as he reached the doorway.
?He froze, every muscle in his naked body tensing. God, all I wanted to do was cum on him. I wanted to worship him, to ride him over and over and over again until I passed out from exhaustion.
?Jack turned to me, his eyes raging. “I want a name.”
?I laughed. “So you can go find the guy in real life and kill him?” I turned back to the ceiling. “Fat chance.” I didn’t know what I was doing, but it was fun. It feltfun. I felt the zing of the thrill coating my bones as I shifted on the bed, I felt the adrenaline spiking, the high settling in. He wanted to slap me awake, to act like a jealous prick, then fine. I wanted to see how far I could push him before he snapped.
?“I’ll just kill them all then.”
?“What all?” I asked, trying to move my shoulders, relieve pressure on my arms, only to wince when the thing around my neck pinched me again. What the fuck was I wearing?
?“Everyone. All of them. Any person who has ever made a comment about how you look or sent you unsolicited dick pics via your precious little Instagram profile. Anyone you’ve followed, anyone whose picture you’ve commented on flirtatiously, anyone you’ve showed any interest in ever. I’ll kill them all.”
?I rolled my eyes. “That’s thousands of people. You don’t have the time.”
?“Oh, but I do, Princess. I have all the time in the world. It’s you who doesn’t have the time.” He appeared above me, his hands tense. “How long will you lay in your own shit and piss before you give up on this little…actof yours?”
?He leaned over, pressing his hands into the bed, causing my body to drift towards him, pinching the skin on my neck once again. “I saved your ass, and you wake up angry? No, no, no,” he chuckled, looking over me. “That’s not howthisgame is played.”