Ihad tasted the forbidden fruit and was now condemned to a life of all-consuming addiction for my Angel.
I wanted to stay. Play her little game, see how long it would take me to make her writhe under my hands, but unfortunately, I had other business I needed to take care of before I allowed myself to drown inher presence.
I didn’t care, however, if I was on the verge of realizing my life’s mission and she called for me, I’d drop everything to be there for her. Even if she didn’t realize that she had called for me.
Like today.
I had a new life mission now. My old one so far forgotten, I couldn’t even remember a single letter within the line.
It was all about her.
“Now, where were we?” I asked, stepping out from the shadows and into the light.
Felix lay in his own shit and piss, bleeding on the concrete floor, pleading to whatever gods would have mercy on him that they would let him live.
It was sad he hadn’t realized that I was the only god left and I didn’t know the meaning of the wordmercy.
“I’m sorry,” he gasped as I crouched down in front of him, thankful for the shield my magic placed around me, keeping me from inhaling that putrid scent. “Please. I won’t do it again, I swear.”
I shook my head, scanning over this pathetic waste of space. “No, you won’t,” I stated, eyes settling on what rested between his legs.
Felix looked down, his eyes widening. “No. No, please. You’ve already taken my wings, don’t take that too.”
I stood. “I took your wings to keep you from trying to escape. Your cock is what’s causing the damage on those women.”
“Please!” he screamed, snot and tears dripping down his face. “Please, I’ll do anything. A-anything. Please.”
I paused then, studying him. “Anything?”
He nodded vigorously, grasping at whatever would give him the best chance at life. “Anything, I swear. Whatever you want.”
I smiled then, picturing those beautiful hazel eyes staring right at me. Challenging me. How fierce they had been. It made my cock ache for her. “Unfortunately for you, there’s only one thing in this world I want, and you can’t give it to me.” I slid my hands in my pockets and watched as my shadows slithered for him, like snakes hunting their prey.
“Please,” he begged, screamed. “Please!”
There truly was nothing like the sound of a flaccid dick being severed from a male body. Nothing like the screams that followed.
But I wasn’t done yet. Not even as he slowly bled out at my feet. Felix was one cog in the machine, not even an important cog. There was an entire substructure of people like him living within this world. Filled with every species there was.
They called themselves the Congregation, and I finally knew for certain that there were five heads to this organization. Five people in charge. Once I killed them, the rest would be nothing.
I didn’t have time to deal with Evanora and her attempt to change humans into weapons in the middle of Therian.
But something told me I wasn’t going to have a choice. Not if I wanted to earn Kyra’s loyalty. I’d have to play along. Rather than sending Cole on pointless missions for both our sakes, I would have to actually do something about thewitches.
I wondered what the world would think if they found out someone like me was going to try and stop the war. A monster. A creature born of nightmares, getting involved in a war to win over a girl who had already consumed me so completely.
“What have you gotten me into, Angel?”
“What’s that?”
I smiled, taking Mark’s hand gently, moving it away from my slowly bruising face. “Do you really want to know?” I asked, pushing as much excitement into my voice as possible.
His little chin lifted, his silver-blue eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Yes,” he replied, taking his hand back so he could push back his mess of brown curls.