“They’re like giant teddy bears,” I went on, calming myself, finding peace in reciting my own knowledge. “They move slowly, and they fall asleep spontaneously. When they do, you’ll know because they’ll just flop over onto their sides wherever they are. It’s actually comical.”
Cole remained where he was. “And you think that means you can touch them?”
I rolled my eyes, almost within reaching distance of a narg. “I can touch them because they’ve approached me,” I explained, looking back. “And once they know you, theyknowyou. It’s for life. I think it’s like that with all demons. The bond you create with them, it’s forever. Unless you betray them, they will never betray that bond. I’ll introduce you,” I offered, looking back, the irritation from before faded. “But you can’t show any sign of malice, you can’t get tense. I’ve never seen them get violent, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have it in them.”
Cole rolled his shoulders. “I don’t gettense.”
I gave him a look. “Come on.” I turned back to the narg and slowly reached out my hand. Seconds later, my fingers brushed by its fur. Coarse and thick, like straw.
It glanced up but never faltered in its chewing.
I smiled, moving my hand up to its head. “Come on,” I pushed, looking back to Cole to find him standing in the same spot. I shook my head, laughing. “Baby.”
He frowned deeply, adjusted his shirt, and started for them. “I’m not a baby.”
Several of them looked up.
“Stop,” I ordered, shaking my head. “Stop acting like they’re something to be feared. Relax.”
He paused, rolling his shoulders once again. He inhaled deeply and exhaled before starting for me again, his steps slower.
The narg I was petting looked up through droopy eyes, watching him.
I held out my hand for Cole’s, the narg watching each movement carefully.
Cole placed a hand in mine, staring at the narg evenly.
His fingers were warm, calloused from years of working. The hands of a man that had slaughtered thousands.
“Imagine what they would feel like inside of you.”
No. No, I would not. It wasn’t the time or the place for thoughts like that.
I pulled him over and very gently placed his large hand on top of the narg’s shoulder, ignoring the pool of warmth that flooded through my stomach.
Cole tensed.
“Stop,” I ordered, poking his shoulder, shutting outevery other thought.
The narg found my eyes.
I smiled at it. “This is Cole Lorily.”
It looked over to Cole for several seconds, taking him in lazily before turning back to its chewing.
I beamed and turned to Cole. “He likes you,” I smiled, only to realize how close I was to him. My breath caught as his peppermint scent swept over me. He smelled good. Better than any man here, and his arms? No human male had arms like that. Not even the guards. It was a true wonder how Raphael managed to strike fear in men like this.
I turned back to the demon, pressing my thighs together. Gods, there was something severely wrong with me.
Cole didn’t seem to notice my shift in demeanor as his eyes were focused on where his hand connected with the narg. He looked confused, lost.
I didn’t know what to expect, but I was proud of the moment. Finally, someone else in this world could see the truth about the demons. They weren’t something to be killed, they were something to be cared about, respected. Liked. Maybe even loved.
I patted the narg’s head myself a few more times, excited to tell Mark about it. I could already see the excitement in his eyes. The last time I had spoken about them was when he was 7. He would be thrilled to know that they were back and maybe by the time they came back again, he would be out here with me. He’d be able to see them. “Come on,” I finally said, stepping back. “It’s this way.” I wanted to spend more time with them, just sitin their presence, but it was October, and the days were getting shorter.
We had to go.
With one last look at the beasts, I finally started back through the woods. It was a memory I would record tonight before I fell asleep.