“You’re scared.”

I was always scared walking through these woods, it’s part of the respect. The demons haven’t hurt me. Yet. But they still could. They could tear me limb from limb without thought, and I would never see it coming. That alone deserved respect. I couldn’t believe that he was still acting like heshouldn’trespect them. It wastheirhome. He was being stupid acting like he owned even the air he breathed.

“It’d be stupid not to be,” I responded. Verlacs weren’t this loud, this careless. Neither were the tycrons or the zalins.

My mind ran through every single possibility, falling short until…


It was slow, high in pitch, lazy, raspy, but it was a sound I very much recognized.

My eyes widened, my heart skipping, jaw dropping.

No. Fucking. Way.

I took off, sprinting through the woods, only to skid to a stop behind a large tree moments later.

Cole stopped beside me. “What?” he breathed, reaching for his sword.

I slowly leaned around the tree, trying to hold in my laughter, my joy.

They had long, pointed, floppy ears, and cream-colored tusks sticking out from their bottom jaw, growing up in a curl above their heads.

Their tails nearly dragged the ground, thin and furry with a little tuff at the end, and their fur was thick, a winter coat, and the color of a thunderstorm, the same variation as most all the demons.

They had hooves too, split down the middle like how cows had been depicted in the history books.

They were back.

I couldn’t believe they had come back!

I turned back around and leaned against the tree. I pulled out my journal and a graphite pencil, quickly opening my journal to a blank page.

They’re back. The nargs are back! – October 16th, 6385 L.R.

“Why are you excited about demons?”

I snapped my book shut and shoved it away, turning back and watching them chew slowly, leaves hanging out of their mouths. “They aren’t just any demon, they’re nargs,” I smiled. “They only roam this close to Therian every three years, usually they’re miles and miles deep.”

“Nargs?” he questioned, causing my smile to fall. “Verlacs?” I turned to him. “Where do you come up with these names?”

I frowned deeply. “I make them up.” With that, I turned on my heel and stepped around the tree only for his hand to wrap around my wrist, pulling me to a stop.

“What are you doing?”

I huffed, jerking my wrist out of his hand. Gods, I hated that. He was acting as if he had some sort of say in what I did. “I’m going to pet one.”

His eyes sparked. “They aren’t pets, Talons, they’redemons.”

“And I’m a human bred to hate magic, and you’re a Fallen whose High King just slaughtered a village of people for a rock. So, either stay here like a pussy or come pet a demon with me. Your choice oh mighty High General.”

With that, I turned around and headed straight for them.


I ignored him and continued for the herd. They were beautiful. The kindest demon I had ever met. So far. I had often wondered if there were others similar to this one. Calm, docile, but out of the dozen or so I had been able to record, these ones were the only ones that truly let me approach them without any sort of threatening snarl.

“Talons!” he snapped.