If I dropped my shield, he would know the deep secret I carry. That smellingheronly caused my cock to harden so fucking fully, I fought the urge to go fuck her now.

Cole laughed something cruel. “You’re a fucking prick.”

No denial.

“If it gets in the way of your job, I’ll kill her.” I could never kill her. I could never cause her any true harm, but I would see how far I could push my control before it completely snapped.

Perhaps that thing inside of me wouldn’t be able to help itself. Perhaps I’d have a General I would need to replace soon.

I Jumped, stretching out my wings as I hovered above the Forest of Malice, so high, I could see Therian with ease. See the castle. “Go,” I told one of my shadows, my most loyal one. “Don’t leave her, even for a moment, and if you find yourself in the position to help her find a little satisfaction,” I smiled as that tendril drifted in front of me, “I urge you to do it. Report to me once a day, hmm?”

It nodded in the way only shadows could and darted off towards my little addiction’s home. Oh, how I wished I could be there instead, but this was enough.

For now.

She had no idea how many laws I was going to break. How many lines I was about to cross for her.

My sweet Angel, my little addiction. She was all fucking mine. Whether she wanted it or not.



Cole was like a new journal. Full of possibilities, but very insistent on the information I had to give. Information I had to vet before releasingit to him.

Yes, he was nice to look at, nice to think about when all the lights were off, but I couldn’t be too careful around him.

I shook the thoughts of him away and instead thought about that morning and how peaceful Mark had looked sleeping in his bed. I had kissed his forehead before sneaking out of his room only to be met with a rage already burning in the kitchen.

I couldn’t be sure why she had been angry this morning, but afterwards Mom had requested meat today.

It would have been fine, gathering meat for the family, had the market not been closed today.

I adjusted my satchel, trying to avoid the bruise on my shoulder. It wasn’t the only bruise I had gotten, but it was the most inconvenient. I hoped Cole’s need for information dulled his observation abilities. I didn’t need to be dealing with that right now.

I found my heart racing as I stepped into the clearing, a chill running around my neck, down my spine. Would he even still be here? Would my cottage be empty of everything? Would I have to start over?

Thatfear was different. It didn’t get me worked up, it didn’t cause my spine to tingle or my stomach to warm. That fear I could feel in my bones.

I couldn’t start over. Ten years of work. Of building and accumulating. If I had to start over then…I might as well just kill myself.

“Just like dear old mom wants, right?”

I gripped the strap on my satchel as I made my way to my front door, my heart slamming against my ribs. My breathing became labored the closer I came to thatfront door. I couldn’t feel my fingers. If Cole had taken everything and left and I found that I didn’t have the guts to end my life, then I’d spend the rest of it hunting down every Fallen alive and kill them.

I reached for the door, my hand trembling, betraying me. “Stop,” I threatened, an icy pain biting at my fingertips.

It took several seconds before the shaking slowed enough to push open the door.

A blast of warmth rushed by me, causing my skin to immediately dampen.

I stepped into the cottage, that icy breeze from the impending winter trickling into the too warm room. It touched every inch of bare skin it could before the fire crackling in the fireplace swallowed it whole.

Everything was in its place.

I shut the door behind me just as Cole sat up from the couch, revealing human clothes and damp hair.

“Good morning,” he greeted, swinging his feet towards the floor.