With that, I shoved out the door, heart racing, unable to release the rock until I passed the wood pile.
I just made a deal with the Devil’s righthand man. What the fuck did that say about me?
It was the most I had heard her speak since I had first found her, and she spoke of games as if she lived to play them herself.
Okay, Angel. I hear you.
I inhaled, shivering deeply at the way her scent filled me, the way my cock hardened because of it.
Every fucking inch of her was mine. Mine to take, mine to claim, mine to fuck.
Because I would. I’d fuck her until her cum spelled my name on my lips. I’d fuck her until she was as consumed with me as I was with her. Until her skin begged for more, until she worshiped me as her new god.
I Jumped into the cottage, my cock painfully hard at how fully this place smelled of her. Strands of her hair dusted the floors, her fingerprints left on every surface, and in that room?
My eyes shifted to the room she had claimed as her own. I could smell her cum dusting those blankets. This cottage wasn’t made for just storing information. She had her fun here too. Alone.
She had never once fucked a male here. She liked doing it in the city, seconds away from being caught. She loved the thrill of it. She would never know it, but those men who thought they left her satisfied went to bed at night only to be filled with such terrible nightmares, they didn’t leave their homes for weeks afterwards.
I hadn’t started off giving them nightmares, that would have been psychopathic. It wasn’t until these last three months that I truly started diving off the deep end. Punishing those men who had no idea a claim had been made. I would need to fix that, and soon.
This place, however, was untouched by a male and I wanted to change that. I wanted to be the first male to claim her in this place she called sanctuary.
“You told me the humans were cruel, evil,” Cole stated icily. “You told me they weren’t worth saving.”
I cracked my neck as my eyes slid to his, my tendrils of shadows drifting around me, as agitated as I was. If he had truly been paying attention, he would have remembered that I had said that abouteveryspecies, but not every person, just the worst of them. Every species did contain people not worthy of being saved. It was nature.
“Why are you wasting your time here?” I asked him, allowing my rage to drip through. I could smell the arousal on him. The arousal towards what was mine.
“That’s okay, Angel. If you want to fuck him, fuck him. Just know there will be consequences.”
Cole held out a hand, gesturing to the cottage as if he had some sort of ownership to it. “She has information we could use. Why are you still hanging around here?Have you not returned to Oridian yet?”
No, I had to study how she reacted to Cole, how she reacted to having something else in her life to do other than steal and study. Unfortunately, I would have to return today. “Sorry, Angel, but soon, you’ll never leave my side. You’ll never want to.”
I turned towards the wall between the two bedrooms. This wall was filled with dragons and everything that came with them. Something I had admired since the first moment I had seen one. Ridden one. I may have had wings, but riding a dragon was far different than flying through the skies. It seemed to me she loved them too, for they took up the most amount of wall space comparatively, aside from the child’s drawings hiding within everything else.
“Don’t question me, Cole,” I said coldly. “You have your business, I have mine.” Business I made up to kill two birds with one stone. Cole hadn’t stopped talking about the witches for several centuries and I wanted to get closer to her. This made my job easier and satisfied his incessant need to be right, a well placed right, but fuck it was irritating.
Cole took a single step towards me, just one. “Did you know that the magic stopped working here?”
Yes, but mine still worked, just not at full capacity, so it wasn’t my problem. “Your job is to study how deeply the witches are engrained into this society,” I told him, lifting up one picture, finding another underneath. She had a skilled hand. I wondered how that hand would feel wrapped around my cock. How skilled it would be then.
Therage rolling off of Cole burned my nose, causing my face to twist. Hundreds of years under me and he still hadn’t learned. Some things were best left unsaid. I had my reasons for keeping my secrets. My Court didn’t need to know everything. If they did know everything, they wouldn’t be able to hold such anger towards me and then what would occupy their time? Certainly not work.
“Why aren’t you more worried about this? The witches are clearly behind our magic not working, you should be more worried.”
I inhaled deeply. I truly didn’t like being told how to feel or what to do. “I’m not worried, Cole, because there aren’t supposed to be any magic-users here. Focus on—”
“She has Asilos Root,” he interrupted, causing my shoulders to go rigid, “and Allure Antler. She’s getting it from somewhere. She’s getting this information fromsomewhere. There is more happening here than what you thought.”
The shadows tightened around me in warning. “Focus on your mission, Cole. If you want to gather information, fine. I can’t stop you, but you need to focus on your job. If you cannot complete that job, I will have Danika replace you. Do not make me kill her because you can’t keep your cock soft for a full day.”