My eyes lifted at Cole’s irritated tone to find him looking between us, accusatory.
I felt a spike of irrational anger at that. “They came from the flight,” I told Mark, giving Cole a warning glare only to see his nostrils flare just as I turned back to Mark. “When Trick caught me in mid-air, he jostled me a little and I ended up getting bruises everywhere. It’s no big deal, little fox.”
“Trick, can I talk to you?” Cole asked, placing a plate in front of him.
Before I could say anything, Mark held up a hand. “No, Mr. Cole.” He straightened and met Trick’s eyes, hands on his hips. “If you’re gonna be rescuing my sister, you will be more careful.”
Isucked in my lips, trying to hide the growing smile.
“Is that understood?”
My eyes lifted to Trick’s expectantly.
Trick became serious and he nodded once, much to my shock. “I’m sorry, but I can’t promise it won’t happen again.”
Mark’s eyes narrowed to slits.
Cole’s eyes found me, the heat of anger palpable.
My cheeks burned bright red. “Trick,” I warned.
Mark held up a hand to me without breaking eye-contact.
“Mark,” Trick began, his voice gentle, “bruises have to happen. Bruises mean that you’re still alive.”
“Mom left bruises,” he said sternly, “and I won’t have no one else leaving bruises on my sister. Not even the High King.”
“Don’t correct him,”I warned.
Trick’s eyes flicked to mine.“I wouldn’t dare.”He turned back to Mark. “I plan on saving your sister from every poorly chosen reckless decision she makes for the rest of her life—”
I frowned.
“—and if I’m going to do that, if I’m going to protect her just as you’re going to protect her, sometimes that means leaving bruises. Has Kyra ever accidentally left bruises on you?”
My eyes widened, horror filling me. What?
Mark thought about it.
After a moment, his shoulders fell, and he nodded.
My chest tightened, my breathing becoming shallowas I gripped my chest. No. No, that…no, I wasn’t my Mom. I wasn’t—
“I was running across the street, and she grabbed my arm and yanked me back,” he went on, the irritation fading from his voice. “She got a bruise just like it the next day. She said she rescued a kitten from the street, but she wasn’t so fast.”
I closed my eyes and shook my head. Mom had punished me for letting Mark run into the street. It hadn’t been that big of a deal. I couldn’t believe he remembered that. He had only been four.
“She was protecting you. Not all bruises are bad.”
Mark looked over, his eyes finding my neck again, my face heating. He searched my eyes for a moment before turning back to Trick. “Are you going to hurt her?”
“Yes,” Cole answered before Trick could reply.
Mark looked up.
My head whipped around, rage filling me. “Cole,” I warned.