Aniya appeared out of seemingly nowhere as a growl sounded behind me.

That growl was enough to cause Lora to flinch, her eyes now trained on that solitary shadow. “That’s not how it works,” I began evenly, forcing myself to find her eyes again, hating myself for reacting like that. “No one can prevent a war. Not even the gods. You can postpone it, but you will never stop the inevitable. Hatred runs as deep as the magic in this world and sometimes, the only way to make it stop, to make peoplesee,is to show them the truth.

“I’ve seen this before,” I spat. “People like you. People who assume the worst before asking questions. Before understanding. You have hatred in you too, we all do. What that hatred has turned you, Cole, and probably them,” I gestured to the other two, “into are people whoblame and judge before they ask, but the thing is sometimes the world just needs a fucking villain.”

I straightened, lowering the arrow mainly because I couldn’t feel my fingers anymore. “We’ve tried everything else. We’ve tried the bargains, the meetings, the bribes, but what we haven’t tried, is letting the world succumb to it. To the anger and hatred and rage. Sometimes, people just need someone who will kill you if you step out of line. A truemonster.”

Lora scoffed and shook her head. “He fucked you into submission, didn’t he? You fell for his little ruse of poetic words and romantic gifts. You should know he does that with all of his little pets. Every single one.”

I felt a hollow pit in my stomach grow. The one that started after what Cole had told me not hours before. “It’s pathetic that you’re blind to what he’s trying to do.”

“No, what’spatheticis you believing everything he’s told you. Has he mentioned the Congregation? An excuse to kill whoever he wants because all he cravesis blood. Thatthingis a beast created in my mother’s womb by something from beyond the Veil. I am trying to warn you of what’s coming for you before you make the biggest mistake of your life.”

“How kind,” I spat and took a step forward, the arrow less than a foot from her eye. “Call him a fucking beast again.”

Her eyes narrowed to slits. “That collar looked better on Sarah.”

My breath caught, that hollow pit consuming me.


I fell crashing back into reality at the sound of hisvoice.

I spun around, dropping the arrow, watching as the lightning lit up the black and red of Cole’s feathers. “Mark? Where’s Mark?’ I asked, taking in the black blood covering him.

Cole turned, looking back towards the cottage.

I followed his gaze, finding Mark standing under the overhang of the cottage roof, dripping with water, shivering. Relief filled me, tears burning my eyes as I turned back to Cole and nodded my thanks.

He pressed his lips together and returned the nod.

I looked around him, back towards the trees, hopeful. “Letak? Where is he?” I asked as he joined me.

Cole’s eyes darkened, glancing towards Lora and back.

The air left my lungs at that. My eyes widened, horror and panic filling me. “No. No, tell me he’s fine. Tell me he’s in the woods.”

Cole’s wings tightened as he shook his head, water droplets flicking everywhere. “I lost him in the fight, Talons. I think he wanted me to get Mark so he could stay.”

My jaw dropped. “And you let him!” I cried. “You idiot!”


I spun on my heel back towards the woods. “Make sure Mark gets warm,” I shouted back, stalking by Trick. “Get him tea, I’ll be back later.”

Trick grabbed my hand gently, stopping me in my tracks.

I looked back, giving him the deadliest look I couldmuster up as I jerked my hand from his. I hated myself as the thought filled me. It filled me so much, I nearly choked on it.“Who is Sarah?”

“You’re bleeding,” he said quietly, eyes boring into mine. A warning.“Don’t.”

Don’t ask. He didn’t want me to ask about it because he knew he would break rule 3. “He saved me,” I stated coldly. I wondered which week it was. Which time it had been. I shouldn’t have been shocked, but I was, and I hated myself for it.

“And now I’m trying to save you,” he replied evenly.

“I don’t need fucking saving,” I stated coldly. “Letak!” I shouted, heading for the entrance to the clearing. “Le—”

A cracked chirp sounded to my left.