Holy shit.Ihad a weapon. I had forgotten! Stupid, stupid girl.

I gaped and looked up to the back of Letak’s head. Gods above, this was going to be sostupid, but I also couldn’t ignore that zing of excitement that slammed through me too. “Letak, I can shoot them.”

He lookedback, his glowing red eyes fierce, lethal. A true demon. He watched me for a moment longer before nodding and turning back, taking a sharp right.

“Mark, hang on, I’m right here, okay? But I have to let go.”

He looked back, terror in his big doe eyes. “Don’t, Kyra, please.”

I smiled, despite my own fear. “It’ll be okay. I won’t leave.” I could do this. It was fine. I wanted to become a hunter, this was my chance. For my brother. For Letak. I could do this. I could protect them both.

After another second, he slowly nodded and turned back, leaning into Letak, gripping onto his feathers with everything he was.

I released a slow breath, praying to the gods, to the stars, to anyone, to keep him safe, and then I slowly let go, straightening. I carefully pulled my bow off my back and nocked an arrow. “Okay, Letak, get me a shot. Mark, whatever he does, hold on. Don’t let go.” I felt like I couldn’t say it enough. Like he couldn’t hear me.

“Don’t let go.”

“Don’t let go.”

“Don’t let go.”


Letak dove, turning in a wide circle, and I could see them, all three chasing after us, fighting to get to us first. They were clawing at each other, pushing themselves around, but Letak was faster.

Only just, but enough.

I aimed as Letak continued to keep his distance, giving me the best shot he could. I released one, and it flewthrough the air, sharp and fast, lodging itself into the eye of one of the tycrons.

Holy shit, I got him.

He dropped.

I almost laughed as the adrenaline swam through me. I got him!

The other two watched after it, and I managed to get another arrow nocked before they looked up, more enraged than before.

Letak dropped again, causing me to grab hold of him. I turned forward, seeing another hoard of flyers flooding through the air.

Letak cried out, turning away, pushing himself hard, flying up and up and up, until the trees were little more than a memory.

Gods, if we hadn’t been so close to death, this would have been so much fun.

I looked back, the tycrons gone. Shit.

Shit, shit, shit, shit,shit.

I straightened, letting go again, getting my bow and arrow ready, searching. I had lost demons before, tracked them, found them again, but this was different.

There was nothing to track in mid-air. No prints, no sounds, no moving branches.

I looked around, searching the hordes of demons slowly. They were dissipating. Whatever had them spooked was easing. “I can’t see them. Letak, where are they?”

Letak cried out this horrible, mangled, angry cry, and reared up.

I slipped, the whole world slowing as I watchedMark pull one hand away from Letak, Letak crying out, Mark looking back at me, screaming my name.

There was a breathlessness in me, as if my body was suddenly filled with air. My heart was calm as I stared at them, my mind confused. What had happened? I couldn’t see a reason why Letak would have reared.