Tori opened the door and called Emmett in. After introductions she let Emmett talk about Chance and then about what happened that night. There was clearly more to it that started before anyone started filming.
Emmett explained more provocation from his dad and then the comments he made on the way home. Isaac hated Chance for some reason and had talked to someone on the phone on the way home and told them that he was definitely getting fired now.
“Chance is my friend,” Emmett said. “He is always nice to everyone. I don’t know why my dad doesn’t like him.”
“I think I can figure that one out but I can guarantee you it’s adult problems. Don’t you worry over it.”
Sam then led them out of the office, Maddox close behind. He walked them down to a closed door and unlocked it.
Maddox grinned as they waited in the hall for Sam to return. When he did, his arms were full.
“I guessed at sizes, so let me know if I was wrong.” He handed them several shirts and jerseys, some stickers, and other little team things.
She held back tears at the nice gesture from Sam. As she opened one of the jerseys she noted that it was Chance’s number. The tears spilled over.
“Mom?” Emmett’s concerned voice broke through.
“Happy tears, baby,” she told him. “Thank you, Sam.”
“I will see you guys next Saturday, got it?”
She nodded.
Maddox drove them home after chatting with the team in the parking lot again. There was nothing to do but wait now to learn what was going to happen with Chance.
Chance was waiting impatiently to be called into Sam’s office again. Ms. Allie hadn’t said much to him as usual, but he wasn’t up for small talk anyway.
This wasn’t the first time he’d been called up here for a chat, but it was the first time he was this nervous. Long gone was his cocky attitude where he could do no wrong. This time combined with Sam’s in-person visit to invite him here today, had him on edge.
This could be it. That’s all he could think all weekend. He almost wished they’d just rip off the bandaid already and get to it. The other part of him wanted to delay what felt like the inevitable for as long as possible.
“You can go on in,” Ms. Allie said.
Chance nodded and rose. “Thank you,” he told her.
“Chance,” she whispered, stopping him. “The whole team has been here at some point in the last few days to talk to Sam. Everyone is in your corner on this,” she confided.
“Thanks,” he muttered. More confused than ever, Chance went in the office and closed the door.
Sam and Derek were waiting for him. It wasn’t a surprise to also see Derek here but the weight of disappointment in himself grew heavier with him here.
“Take a seat, Chance,” Sam said.
He took the only empty chair, next to Derek and across from Sam. There was still Sam’s pristine desk between them but everyone was sitting this time. Much different than last time or any other time.
It could mean that they were preparing to let him go. He knew he was overthinking everything but he couldn’t stop it.
“We’ve had a lot of time to think about your situation,” Sam began.
“A lot of feedback has been brought to our attention as well,” Derek added.
“Every member of this team wants you to stay. They want you back on the pitch as soon as possible. I have to make the decision to decide if you’re worth it.”
“We can get another striker in here or even a damn good forward to take your position. The team would adjust,” Derek said.
Chance nodded. It was true. He was good, but he posed a big risk on the field.