“Tori,” Ellis stopped her. “Listen to the videos before you run off. It’s important.” He stood as though to leave her office before turning to her again. “It matters to me and Chance that you listen to that audio.”
She nodded. Eventually, she would but right now she needed to talk to Chance. This was not okay.
“The man is going to ruin his career,” she told Ellis.
“Maybe he found something worth ruining it for.” Ellis let himself out of her office, closing the door behind him.
Tori sat and played the video with the sound on. She heard the terrible things that Ellis was saying about her in front of Emmett. At this point she was ready to send the whole thing to her lawyer and change their custody agreement again.
In the next video, she heard Isaac more clearly but the video focused on Chance and Maddox. She listened to them defend her and then watched at what she hadn’t seen from the angle of the first video.
Chance had definitely told Maddox to get Emmett. He made sure that Emmett was away from what he was about to do beforehand. That only meant that he thought through what he was going to do.
She finished the video and sent them over to Leah before leaning back in her chair. One tear escaped before she could stop it, and she wiped it away.
Her phone rang, and she answered it without looking, knowing it would be Leah.
“What the hell was that?” she asked.
“It’s what we missed after the clinic last night,” Tori said.
“What are you going to do?” Leah asked.
Tori sighed. “I don’t know.”
“Tori…” Leah dragged out. “I think you do.”
“He’s going to ruin his career over this.”
“He might.”
“He can’t.”
“Then do something about it.”
Tori ended the call and grabbed her keys. “I’ll be back,” she yelled towards Ellis’s office.”
“Or not. Either way,” he called back.
She didn’t respond as she left. She hoped he was home because she was on her way to his house. This didn’t change anything for her and him, but she was on a mission.
Hell, she didn’t know what mission she was even on, but it involved going to his house. She’d figure out the rest when she got there. She wasn’t going to try to save their relationship or whatever it was, she was going to save his career.
As she pulled up in front of his house the nerves she’d pushed off came back in full force. She shouldn’t be here if they weren’t dating.
Chance opened the front door before she could drive away. This was it, no going back now. She opened the door and headed to him.
“What do you want?” Chance folded his arms and leaned one hip against the door jamb.
“I wanted to talk to you about last night,” she told him.
“Oh, so now you want to talk about something? I thought you just listened to what everyone else said anyway.”
She deserved it, but it didn’t stop the sting of his words. She winced but pressed on closer.
“Chance,” she started.
“Don’t.” He stopped her. “Don’t come here like nothing has changed between us and you suddenly give a shit.”