Page 22 of Header

“Mom said it was okay,” Emmett said impatiently.

“I really was just surprised,” she told him. “A good surprise.”

“Emmett, go get that ball. I’ll be right out,” Chance told him.

He waited until he heard the front door slam, knowing that it would as he went through it, before pulling Tori back to him. She went up on her tiptoes, pressing a kiss to his lips.

Chance returned the kiss, deepening it slightly before breaking it off. “I can’t go out there and play with him if we keep this up.” He stroked her cheek, not wanting to walk away.

“Go,” she told him. “I’ve got dinner to prepare.

He didn’t miss the small wobble she did as Chance backed away. He was thrilled to know that she was as affected as he was by a small kiss.

The next hour was spent running different drills with Emmett in the yard. He had good ball control for being so young. Chance was impressed. They practiced passes and stealing the ball from each other.

“This is so fun,” Emmett said for the hundredth time.

“I’m having a good time too, bud.” Chance ruffled his hair again.

“You keep messing my hair up,” Emmett immediately ran his hands over it trying to fix it.

“My bad,” Chance bit back his laugh.

“Dinner, guys. Come clean up,” Tori called from the porch.

“You have to wash your hands, or mom gets really mad,” Emmett whispered.

Chance chuckled. “Washing your hands before you eat is important. I do it without my mom reminding me.” Chance winked at him.

“Ugh.” Emmett was clearly not impressed with the adult-like response to his information.

He followed Chance inside and to the sink, where they both washed their hands. Then to the table where a big meal was spread out for them.

“Emmett, I made your plate already.” Tori pointed at a seat that was already ready to go.

“You made a lot of food,” Emmett pointed out.

Tori ducked her head, probably regretting the fact that Chance had heard it.

“It all looks really good,” he told her as he picked up one of the empty plates and began to pile his plate high.

He wasn’t exaggerating. She had roasted a chicken, made mashed potatoes, rolls, and what looked like homemade macaroni and cheese next to some green beans. He took some of each and dug in as soon as he sat.

Tori made her own plate and took the seat across from him, with Emmett at the end of the table. It was a small four seat table and he found this family meal to be more intimate than their date Saturday night.

Emmett rambled between bites about his day at school and his next game. Tori added clarifications where she could and fussed at him not to talk with his mouth full. Chance didn’t add much to the conversation.

He watched them both, taking it all in. It was shocking to realize that he really could see himself doing this every day. To come home to these two after practice would give him something to look forward to, and he wanted this.

Chance smiled to himself. It was too soon to tell her, but he was happy here. He had news for her after Emmett was settled, too. It had been hard to hold it in, but he hoped she was happy about it.

“Can I be done?” Emmett asked.

“Clean up your plate and go shower.” Tori nodded to him.

“I’ll help you clean up,” Chance rose, following Emmett with his own empty plate.

“You’re the guest, you don’t need to help,” Tori followed them.