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“As though she’s a responsible adult. She can’t even get her own life together,” Isaac sneered.

He never liked Leah, probably because she saw through his bullshit long before Tori did. His date clung to his arm but didn’t speak.

“Did he even tell you he had a son?” Tori asked the tall, thin blond.

She shook her head.

“Like I thought. You are one to talk about how your son is being cared for when you constantly cancel on him instead of being there for him yourself. I wouldn’t need to have anyone watch him if you were doing your part as a parent.” Tori didn’t hold back. She was tired of his shit every time she turned around.

Chance pulled her into his side, his arm wrapped around her as his body language was clear he was there for her.

“You wanted to be a mom. That was your choice, not mine. Now that you are, you seem to be finding an awful lot of time away from him while sleeping with his idol.”

The fact that he even knew that Emmett idolized Chance was a shock to her. Probably just a lucky guess on his part, though.

“Emmett is a great kid. He’s really good at his position as well. I’m happy to get out there and run drills with him while his mom makes us all dinner. It’s hard being a single parent when your dad is never there for you,” Chance jumped in.

“Who are you to judge me?” Isaac ground out.

“The one that’s been there for your kid and ex-wife.” Chance’s tone was more casual than his words.

“Let’s go,” Tori told Chance. She placed a hand on his chest, moving to stand between him and Isaac.

She knew Chance could be hotheaded, and she didn’t want him to lose control because of Isaac. If she had to guess, Isaac had looked him up because it sure seemed like he was trying to push Chance’s buttons.

“Pleasure meeting you,” Tori told the woman she hadn’t actually really met.

Chance took a few steps back, still facing Isaac before turning with her to leave. They walked straight back to his car without another word.

“I’m sorry about that,” Tori said as Chance pulled out of his parking spot.

“You didn’t do anything,” he told her.

“Maybe not, but dating me means dealing with that shit on the regular.” Tori bit her lip before continuing. “If you don’t want that drama, I completely understand.” She was giving him an out.

Chance clenched his jaw, and she watched his muscles tick once as she finished speaking. He didn’t say a word until they parked at her house.

“What nonsense he has to say about us will not make me change my mind about wanting to see you. I really do enjoy your company and Emmett’s, too,” Chance finally said.

Tori nodded. She had expected him to take the out she was offering. Now she had no words.

He leaned across the center console and unbuckled her seatbelt. “Stay right there.” Chance opened his door and walked around the car, opening hers.

He took her hand, pulling her out of the car. She had barely stood before he backed her up against the backdoor and pressed his body to hers.

“I’m going to kiss you now,” Chance said, his eyes searching hers.

Tori swallowed and nodded again. She had no voice.

Chance brought his lips to hers and she was grateful for the car behind her. His tongue slipped out, parting her lips as he sought to deepen the kiss.

She wanted it too, opening for his tongue to dance with hers. The passion in this kiss was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. Tori brought her hands to his shoulders, gripping him as he led the kiss.

Chance’s hands didn’t wander over her, and oh, how she wanted them to. He caged her in at the car, his hands on the frame as he pulled away.

He dropped his forehead to hers. She felt his heart racing, matching her own as he both tried to get themselves under control.

“Let’s do all of this again?” he asked.