“Why? Does he do the wrong thing often?” Isaac asked.
Chance studied the newcomer. Assuming he was Tori’s ex-husband, Chance already didn’t like him. He was in a suit on a Saturday morning at the soccer fields, which made him stick out like a sore thumb. He had short light brown hair.
If Chance were to guess, Isaac had peaked in high school, maybe college, and didn’t understand that he wasn’t cool anymore.
“No. It’s a hazard of playing that position. You have to stay on this side of the other team or it’s considered and unfair advantage and the score doesn’t count.”
“Then he should pay better attention,” Isaac said simply.
Chance had enough. “It’s not quite that simple. You’re watching the ball and watching them at the same time. Sometimes the other team moves forward half a step to put you offsides, or the pass goes off wide, and you have to move to get it, which is what just happened.”
Isaac faced him, clearly surprised that he had spoken, probably surprised he was there. “No one asked you. You think because your kid plays that you know everything?” Isaac sneered. “Professional players would know better than to do that and if that’s his goal then he either needs to get it or get out of the game.”
Tori snorted and looked over at Chance. The laughter danced in her eyes as she nodded at Chance. He didn’t need words to know she was telling him to let Isaac have it.
“Sorry. I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Chance Lawrence.” He shook Isaac’s hand.
“Isaac Atkins,” he answered, ready to dismiss him.
“He’s the forward for Bardley. The same position that Emmett plays,” Tori cleared things up.
Chance grinned. “I can tell you, from experience, professionally, that it’s not always that simple.”
The idiot didn’t have the sense God gave an ant and pressed on instead of taking the hint. “Just because you play like that doesn’t mean that’s how it should be played.”
“I would counter that as a starter for the team, my coach has no issue with understanding that we do our best but cannot prevent every offside call.”
Isaac looked at Tori instead. “You set me up,” he accused.
Chance chose not to get involved right away. He wanted to jump in and defend her. It was better to let her take the lead. Clearly, she handled him more often than he did.
“Set you up how? You challenged a literal expert about his job and he corrected you. I could not have planned that,” Tori said. “Not that it wasn’t a joy to watch.”
That parting shot caused an unexpected laugh to escape. He hadn’t intended to laugh in the man’s face but couldn’t regret it either, especially when Tori grinned at him like she was.
“You a real?—“
“Good job!” Tori cut him off and high-fived Emmett as he approached.
“Did you see my shot?” Emmett ran past her to Chance.
Chance squatted down to meet Emmett’s eyes. “I did. You guys played really well together. Nice passes.” Chance gave him a high five as well.
“I was offsides,” Emmett dropped his head.
“It happens to us all, dude,” Chance ruffled his hair.
“Emmett,” Isaac said sternly. “Come over here and greet your father before you greet strangers.”
“You came?” Emmett asked. “Chance is my friend, not a stranger.”
He did as he was told and went to his father’s side. Isaac didn’t get down to Emmett’s level was the first thing Chance noticed. The second thing was that he spoke to the child like he was an adult and not the child he was.
“You should be trying harder at school instead of focusing on this game,” Isaac was saying.
Tori took a deep breath.
Chance decided to shoot his shot. Even if Tori got mad at him, he was getting Emmett out of this situation.