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Maddox draped his arms around both women, standing between them, grinning at Chance. Chance had to use physical effort not to pull Tori away from him and shout mine.

“What say we introduce these lovely ladies to the guys?” Maddox said, pulling them along with him.

Chance had no choice but to fall in line behind them. Plotting on how to get Tori away from Maddox, he didn’t have to do much as Tori wiggled herself free of Maddox’s arm.

“I see how it is,” Maddox laughed her off. “Chance, you better take care of my girl.”

Chance rolled his eyes as Tori walked up next to him. “I promise, he’s always like that,” he assured her.

Tori giggled. “So is she.”

He led her around the team and introduced her to everyone. They had long since stopped sitting, instead standing around. A game of darts had started and gotten heated, so he sidestepped them.

“Sorry about them,” Chance told her.

“It’s weird to be here with everyone. We’ve watched you guys play for what seems like forever, but I’ve never met any of the players in real life,” Tori rambled.

Chance took her drink. He wasn’t sure what number it was and set it on the table for her. “I assure you we are real life, even on the field.” His actions and subsequent punishment were proof of that.

“You know what I mean,” she pushed his shoulder. “Like to us, you guys are out of reach, not normal people. But I’m standing here with most of the team tonight and it just seems surreal.”

Chance hadn’t really considered it before. He knew they were popular but not on that kind of level to the fans. “I guess I can see what you mean. Maybe we should do something for the fans as a team.”

“I didn’t mean you needed to change anything. I was just saying how it is for me tonight,” Tori told him.

It didn’t matter. His head was already whirling with ideas for how they could make the team more relatable, starting with himself. It could go a long way to showing everyone he’s not just angry. Well, that and not punching other players.

Mentally he knew he shouldn’t do that, but fans couldn’t hear the things that were said on that field. It wasn’t just fouls, it was trash talk sometimes, and that was usually what pushed him over the edge.

Deep breathing usually worked when he took the time to do it. It gave him a moment to get himself under control before he acted. He just needed to remember to do that.

“You okay?” Tori asked.

“Sorry. I was thinking about what you said. I think it’s a really good idea.”

“Oh. Well, I’m glad I could help.”

“Tell me about you and Emmett,” Chase said.

Tori shrugged. “Got married young. Had a kid shortly after. Turns out my husband at the time preferred redheads. Got divorced and have raised Emmett mostly by myself for the last few years. As for Emmett, as I’m sure you could guess, he loves soccer.”

He hadn’t even considered that she wasn’t single. Now he was damn glad to know she wasn’t. “What about you?”

“Emmett is my life. I don’t do much else unless Leah drags me out.”

“I’m glad she did,” Chance stepped closer to her, reaching out and pushing a stray hair off her face.

Tori ducked her head, avoiding his gaze. “Me too.”

Progress! He wanted to shout it to everyone. “Would you maybe like to go out with me another time? Like without everyone else?” That was real smooth, he chastised himself.

“I don’t know,” she said. “I am kind of a package deal, Chance and you have a busy big life.”

In all his years of playing soccer, he’d never been turned down because of it before. “It’s not that different than other jobs. And I understand about Emmett. He’s a cool little dude.” Chance tried to defend himself.

“Look,” Tori gave him her full attention. “I don’t know you that well and I don’t know if I could do this often. I’m more of a stay at home and watch a movie kind of person.” She gestured to the bar.

“We could do that instead. The point of a date is to get to know each other, but I’m game for pizza and a movie. Ask Maddox. He had to practically drag me out tonight. I’m many things, but I’m not a go out all the time kind of person either.”