He did, grabbing him around the waist and carrying him sideways to the door. Tori laughed at the antics and fixed Emmett’s plate.
She and Chance had a lot to sort out and talk about but she was happy he was here. Beyond happy.
“I know you,” she heard Emmett say.
Tori set the plate down and went to the foyer to see who had arrived. Sam was standing in her foyer, her door wide open once again. Emmett was still sideways at Chance’s hip.
“You forgot my name already?” Sam teased.
“Umm, I had to make room for school stuff,” Emmett said.
Chance set him down with a laugh. “Go get your food.”
“Pizza picnic,” he yelled.
“I’ll go help him,” she tried to back out and let them talk.
“Not happening,” Chance said. “Sam, come on into the kitchen. We can talk while Emmett eats.”
“Sorry to intrude,” Sam said as he followed. “I went to your place first and then Maddox gave me Tori’s address.”
“How can we help you?” Chance asked, putting his arm around Tori and tucking her into his side.
“You ran off earlier and I didn’t get to tell you about the team.”
“I fussed at him for that,” Tori told him.
Sam smiled at her. “I can see he had more important things to do and I don’t blame him for it at all. It looks like things are working out between you two?” he asked.
Chance grinned. “I hope so.”
“Well, let me get to the point and get out of the way. We decided not to remove you from Bardley. In light of everything that we learned about the situation, we believe that you were set up to look bad.”
“That’s great,” Tori said.
“Thank you, Sam. You won’t regret this,” Chance shook Sam’s hand.
“There is one thing. The team wants you back in the game on Saturday. Think you’re up for it?”
“I know I am.” He turned his head to Tori. “As long as you’re going to be there?” he asked her.
Tori laughed. “About that?—“
Sam cut her off with his own laughter. “I invited her and Emmett to come sit in the box with me for the game when I saw them Saturday. I also gave them a few gifts.” He gestured to her shirt.
“I already told him we’d go,” Tori confirmed.
Chance wrapped both arms around her and spun her around the room. “I’d say having my girl there guarantees that I’ll be there.”
“Good. I’ll get out of your way, then.”
“Let me walk you out.” Chance set her down and led Sam to the door.
Tori made a plate for both of them and waited for Chance to return. “I promised Emmett a pizza picnic.”
“Sounds like fun. What is it?” Chance grinned.
“Just pizza in the living room with a movie. He named it tonight.”